Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

, Mecklenburg, Germany


Tree: Generations

Latitude: 53.8411000, Longitude: 11.4641997


Matches 201 to 278 of 278

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
201 Rickermann, Friedrich Ludwig "Frederick"  CALC 10 Jun 1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I20684
202 Rody, Doratha  1848, Mecklenburg, Germany I258256
203 Rody, Henry  1828, Mecklenburg, Germany I258253
204 Sager, Charles Jon Christian "Carl"  23 Feb 1825, Mecklenburg, Germany I350667
205 Sass, Sophia  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I456406
206 Schaumberg, Lena  1823, Mecklenburg, Germany I26942
207 Scherer, Heinrich "Henry"  CALC 31 Dec 1840, Mecklenburg, Germany I13052
208 Scherer, Sophia Ernestine Dorothea  1836, Mecklenburg, Germany I145779
209 Schipper, Moritz  1808, Mecklenburg, Germany I35196
210 Schliemann, Dorothea "Dora"  Dec 1863, Mecklenburg, Germany I231561
211 Schmidt, Charles  1836, Mecklenburg, Germany I184011
212 Schmidt, Fredericka "Ricka"  31 Jul 1844, Mecklenburg, Germany I374235
213 Schmidt, Sophia  29 Nov 1827, Mecklenburg, Germany I71853
214 Schmiedendorf, John Theodore  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I353153
215 Schott, Heinrich "Henry"  18 Dec 1838, Mecklenburg, Germany I46588
216 Schram, Sophia  2 Jun 1849, Mecklenburg, Germany I88724
217 Schroeder, John  2 Oct 1818, Mecklenburg, Germany I184194
218 Schroeder, John  1832, Mecklenburg, Germany I184152
219 Schroeder, John Charles  1845, Mecklenburg, Germany I25739
220 Schroeder, Maria Catherine  CALC 12 Feb 1812, Mecklenburg, Germany I353566
221 Schultz, Anointetta Wilhelmina  28 Feb 1846, Mecklenburg, Germany I52958
222 Schultz, Bertha  15 Oct 1886, Mecklenburg, Germany I28802
223 Schultz, Sophia  13 Apr 1839, Mecklenburg, Germany I25722
224 Schultz, Wilhelmina Dorothea  CALC 20 May 1824, Mecklenburg, Germany I90942
225 Schumacher, Johannes "John"  14 May 1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I283811
226 Schummacher, John  1824, Mecklenburg, Germany I397462
227 Schutt, Johanna F. E.  1835, Mecklenburg, Germany I194713
228 Schwager, John G.  1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I88362
229 Smale, Marie "Mary"  CA 1855, Mecklenburg, Germany I245754
230 Smith, Henry  1828, Mecklenburg, Germany I258417
231 Sommer, Hannah  29 Sep 1806, Mecklenburg, Germany I96466
232 Stahlbaum, John  2 Sep 1855, Mecklenburg, Germany I352984
233 Stein, Anna  1832, Mecklenburg, Germany I35195
234 Stork, Charles  1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I258577
235 Stremble, Christoph  1807, Mecklenburg, Germany I35553
236 Suhr, Heinrich Christian Joachim "Christian"  5 Jan 1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I69913
237 Tant, Dorothea  1841, Mecklenburg, Germany I35540
238 Tant, Frederick  1813, Mecklenburg, Germany I35536
239 Tant, Maria  1843, Mecklenburg, Germany I35541
240 Tant, Minna  1839, Mecklenburg, Germany I35539
241 Thomas, Christian  1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I258450
242 Tiedt, Christian  1835, Mecklenburg, Germany I145802
243 Tiedt, Sophia H.  28 Jan 1838, Mecklenburg, Germany I94367
244 Timm, Friedrich Ludwig Heinrich "Frederick" "Fred"  7 Dec 1858, Mecklenburg, Germany I29587
245 Toede, Heinrich  1821, Mecklenburg, Germany I226134
246 Truger, Christian  1845, Mecklenburg, Germany I324401
247 Veitel, Christian  1798, Mecklenburg, Germany I279227
248 Veitel, Heinrich Christ. John "Henry"  4 Mar 1827, Mecklenburg, Germany I104205
249 Voege, Friedrich Johann "Frederick"  5 May 1842, Mecklenburg, Germany I157564
250 Volkmann, John  CALC 22 Dec 1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I111867
251 Vollrath, Christian  1792, Mecklenburg, Germany I279238
252 Vollrath, Frederick  1835, Mecklenburg, Germany I279240
253 Vollrath, Zarnke  1829, Mecklenburg, Germany I279235
254 Wagner, Frederick  1814, Mecklenburg, Germany I35403
255 Wagner, Henry  1808, Mecklenburg, Germany I397276
256 Wagner, Sophia  24 Sep 1864, Mecklenburg, Germany I150046
257 Wangelein, Frederick Carl Johann  1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I294215
258 Weiderman, John  1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I35533
259 Weisbaker?, Johanus  1787, Mecklenburg, Germany I35247
260 Weisbaker?, Johanus  1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I35244
261 Weisbaker?, Minna  1849, Mecklenburg, Germany I35246
262 Welker, Fredrick  1835, Mecklenburg, Germany I265712
263 Wilcan, Charles  1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I394816
264 Wilcan, Kurt  1852, Mecklenburg, Germany I394818
265 Wilcan, Rucka (?)  1855, Mecklenburg, Germany I394819
266 Wilken, Carl Joachim Christian "Charles"  20 Jan 1828, Mecklenburg, Germany I489523
267 Wilker, Anna  1855, Mecklenburg, Germany I265719
268 Wilker, Henry  1801, Mecklenburg, Germany I265716
269 Wilker, Mena  1849, Mecklenburg, Germany I265718
270 Willman, Carol  1837, Mecklenburg, Germany I390672
271 Winkler, Sophia  1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I259228
272 Wolfe, Ludwig Theodor Martin "Louis"  12 May 1851, Mecklenburg, Germany I473339
273 Zarn, Auguste Sophia Elise Wilhelmine "Augusta"  25 Oct 1847, Mecklenburg, Germany I200491
274 Zarn, Heinrich  Abt 1790, Mecklenburg, Germany I30638
275 Zarn, Magdalena  1819, Mecklenburg, Germany I30629
276 Zarnke, Johanna  29 Jun 1822, Mecklenburg, Germany I40586
277 Zaruchy, William  1836, Mecklenburg, Germany I397755
278 Zesch, William  1842, Mecklenburg, Germany I258477

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