Tree: Generations
Latitude: 53.8411000, Longitude: 11.4641997
BirthMatches 201 to 278 of 278 «Prev 1 2 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
201 |
Rickermann, Friedrich Ludwig "Frederick" | CALC 10 Jun 1826 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I20684 |
202 |
Rody, Doratha | 1848 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I258256 |
203 |
Rody, Henry | 1828 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I258253 |
204 |
Sager, Charles Jon Christian "Carl" | 23 Feb 1825 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I350667 |
205 |
Sass, Sophia | 1831 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I456406 |
206 |
Schaumberg, Lena | 1823 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I26942 |
207 |
Scherer, Heinrich "Henry" | CALC 31 Dec 1840 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I13052 |
208 |
Scherer, Sophia Ernestine Dorothea | 1836 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I145779 |
209 |
Schipper, Moritz | 1808 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35196 |
210 |
Schliemann, Dorothea "Dora" | Dec 1863 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I231561 |
211 |
Schmidt, Charles | 1836 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I184011 |
212 |
Schmidt, Fredericka "Ricka" | 31 Jul 1844 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I374235 |
213 |
Schmidt, Sophia | 29 Nov 1827 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I71853 |
214 |
Schmiedendorf, John Theodore | 1831 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I353153 |
215 |
Schott, Heinrich "Henry" | 18 Dec 1838 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I46588 |
216 |
Schram, Sophia | 2 Jun 1849 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I88724 |
217 |
Schroeder, John | 2 Oct 1818 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I184194 |
218 |
Schroeder, John | 1832 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I184152 |
219 |
Schroeder, John Charles | 1845 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I25739 |
220 |
Schroeder, Maria Catherine | CALC 12 Feb 1812 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I353566 |
221 |
Schultz, Anointetta Wilhelmina | 28 Feb 1846 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I52958 |
222 |
Schultz, Bertha | 15 Oct 1886 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I28802 |
223 |
Schultz, Sophia | 13 Apr 1839 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I25722 |
224 |
Schultz, Wilhelmina Dorothea | CALC 20 May 1824 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I90942 |
225 |
Schumacher, Johannes "John" | 14 May 1826 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I283811 |
226 |
Schummacher, John | 1824 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I397462 |
227 |
Schutt, Johanna F. E. | 1835 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I194713 |
228 |
Schwager, John G. | 1826 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I88362 |
229 |
Smale, Marie "Mary" | CA 1855 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I245754 |
230 |
Smith, Henry | 1828 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I258417 |
231 |
Sommer, Hannah | 29 Sep 1806 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I96466 |
232 |
Stahlbaum, John | 2 Sep 1855 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I352984 |
233 |
Stein, Anna | 1832 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35195 |
234 |
Stork, Charles | 1830 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I258577 |
235 |
Stremble, Christoph | 1807 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35553 |
236 |
Suhr, Heinrich Christian Joachim "Christian" | 5 Jan 1826 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I69913 |
237 |
Tant, Dorothea | 1841 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35540 |
238 |
Tant, Frederick | 1813 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35536 |
239 |
Tant, Maria | 1843 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35541 |
240 |
Tant, Minna | 1839 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35539 |
241 |
Thomas, Christian | 1820 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I258450 |
242 |
Tiedt, Christian | 1835 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I145802 |
243 |
Tiedt, Sophia H. | 28 Jan 1838 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I94367 |
244 |
Timm, Friedrich Ludwig Heinrich "Frederick" "Fred" | 7 Dec 1858 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I29587 |
245 |
Toede, Heinrich | 1821 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I226134 |
246 |
Truger, Christian | 1845 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I324401 |
247 |
Veitel, Christian | 1798 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I279227 |
248 |
Veitel, Heinrich Christ. John "Henry" | 4 Mar 1827 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I104205 |
249 |
Voege, Friedrich Johann "Frederick" | 5 May 1842 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I157564 |
250 |
Volkmann, John | CALC 22 Dec 1820 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I111867 |
251 |
Vollrath, Christian | 1792 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I279238 |
252 |
Vollrath, Frederick | 1835 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I279240 |
253 |
Vollrath, Zarnke | 1829 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I279235 |
254 |
Wagner, Frederick | 1814 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35403 |
255 |
Wagner, Henry | 1808 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I397276 |
256 |
Wagner, Sophia | 24 Sep 1864 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I150046 |
257 |
Wangelein, Frederick Carl Johann | 1820 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I294215 |
258 |
Weiderman, John | 1826 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35533 |
259 |
Weisbaker?, Johanus | 1787 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35247 |
260 |
Weisbaker?, Johanus | 1820 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35244 |
261 |
Weisbaker?, Minna | 1849 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I35246 |
262 |
Welker, Fredrick | 1835 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I265712 |
263 |
Wilcan, Charles | 1826 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I394816 |
264 |
Wilcan, Kurt | 1852 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I394818 |
265 |
Wilcan, Rucka (?) | 1855 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I394819 |
266 |
Wilken, Carl Joachim Christian "Charles" | 20 Jan 1828 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I489523 |
267 |
Wilker, Anna | 1855 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I265719 |
268 |
Wilker, Henry | 1801 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I265716 |
269 |
Wilker, Mena | 1849 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I265718 |
270 |
Willman, Carol | 1837 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I390672 |
271 |
Winkler, Sophia | 1820 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I259228 |
272 |
Wolfe, Ludwig Theodor Martin "Louis" | 12 May 1851 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I473339 |
273 |
Zarn, Auguste Sophia Elise Wilhelmine "Augusta" | 25 Oct 1847 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I200491 |
274 |
Zarn, Heinrich | Abt 1790 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I30638 |
275 |
Zarn, Magdalena | 1819 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I30629 |
276 |
Zarnke, Johanna | 29 Jun 1822 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I40586 |
277 |
Zaruchy, William | 1836 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I397755 |
278 |
Zesch, William | 1842 | , Mecklenburg, Germany | I258477 |
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