Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

Family: Dietrich Blohm / Sophia Burmeister (F36092)

Family Information    |    PDF

  • Father | Male
    Dietrich Blohm

    Born  Abt 1808  of, Katerhagen, Mecklinburg Schwerin, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
    Died  Yes, date unknown   

    Mother | Female
    Sophia Burmeister

    Born  Abt 1808  of, Katerhagen, Mecklinburg Schwerin, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
    Died  Yes, date unknown   

    Child 1 | Female
    Sophia Auguste "Gustie" Blum

    Born  10 Mar 1841  Katerhagen, Mecklinburg Schwerin, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
    Died  17 Sep 1900  Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Buried    New Hope Cemetery, Hespeler (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Spouse  Frederick Joachim Christian Mo. "Fritz" Gillow | F13696 
    Married  10 Jul 1868  Preston (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location