Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.


1000 - Yes, date unknown

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  • Name Breslau 
    Born 1000 
    Gender Unknown 
    Building 1813  226 Woolwich St., Breslau, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    log house 
    • Services were begun in Breslau in 1815. In 1834,  Benjamin Eby's  log meeting house, which had been built in Berlin in 1813, was moved to Breslau to the Cressman farm. Preaching services which were held every four weeks began in the reconstructed meeting house in 1837. A new brick church was built in 1856, at which time the old log meeting house was moved to Frederick Schaefer's brickyard. The old building may have been used for storage or an office until approximately 1880 when it was clad with white "Breslau Brick" from the brickyard, and used as a home by Frederick Schaefer and his family. The address of the house is reported to have been 18 Woolwich Street; it was still standing in 1985, according to Alder 1985, with the original log walls possibly preserved within the brick ones.1a

      1aAmbrose, Rosemary. Waterloo County Churches A Research Guide to Churches Established Before 1900. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. [used the kind permission of Rosemary Ambrose 2011] 
    Church 1815  226 Woolwich St., Breslau, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    congregation begun 
    • Services were begun in Breslau in 1815. In 1834,  Benjamin Eby's  log meeting house, which had been built in Berlin in 1813, was moved to Breslau to the Cressman farm. Preaching services which were held every four weeks began in the reconstructed meeting house in 1837. A new brick church was built in 1856, at which time the old log meeting house was moved to Frederick Schaefer's brickyard. The old building may have been used for storage or an office until approximately 1880 when it was clad with white "Breslau Brick" from the brickyard, and used as a home by Frederick Schaefer and his family. The address of the house is reported to have been 18 Woolwich Street; it was still standing in 1985, according to Alder 1985, with the original log walls possibly preserved within the brick ones.1a

      1aAmbrose, Rosemary. Waterloo County Churches A Research Guide to Churches Established Before 1900. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. [used the kind permission of Rosemary Ambrose 2011] 
    Church 1860  Mill St., Breslau, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    congregation begun 
    • Peace Lutheran Church

      Begun: c.1860 Closed: c.1927

      The Lutheran congregation in Breslau is reported to have been organized c.1860 by  Pastor Immanuel Wurster  of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Preston, who served there from 1854-1881. Pastor Wurster also organized the Lutheran congregations in Hespeler and Shantz Station at about the same time. A church, which was built in 1885, was located on the south side of Mill Street in Breslau. The building was still there in 1969, in use as a residence.1a

      1aAmbrose, Rosemary. Waterloo County Churches A Research Guide to Churches Established Before 1900. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. [used the kind permission of Rosemary Ambrose 2011]
    Church 1872  Breslau Missionary Church, Breslau, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    congregation begun 
    Church 1866-1893  Breslau United Brethren in Christ Church, Breslau, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Breslau United Brethren in Christ Church

      Begun: c.1866 Closed: c.1893

      Part of the Waterloo Circuit of the United Brethren in Christ, the congregation was added to the Circuit in 1866-1867 when the pastors were  Revs. A.B. Sherk,   D.B. Sherk , Henry Krupp and G. Rutt. At the Quarterly Conference of the United Brethren in Christ on July 18, 1868 approval was given for the purchase of a site for a church at Breslau. The church was built later in that year. Discussion at the Quarterly Conference on February 10, 1883 concerned a refusal to transfer a lease from the Mennonites to the Lutherans for use of the church building - whether because the church premises were being shared with the Mennonites or because the United Brethren in Christ was no longer an active congregation is not known.1a

      1aAmbrose, Rosemary. Waterloo County Churches A Research Guide to Churches Established Before 1900. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. [used the kind permission of Rosemary Ambrose 2011]
    Church 1860-1927 
    Church 1848-1955  Bridgeport Free Church, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Land on the Bloomingdale Road was donated on November 16, 1848 by  John U. Tyson  for a free cemetery and free church, to be available for the use of any denomination. The first German Baptist congregation in Canada was organized here on September 10, 1851 by the Rev. August Rauschenbusch. (This 16-member congregation was the forerunner of Benton Street Baptist Church in Berlin/Kitchener.) The first pastor was  Rev. Henry Schneider  who was ordained to the Baptist Ministry on November 12, 1852.1a

      1aAmbrose, Rosemary. Waterloo County Churches A Research Guide to Churches Established Before 1900. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. [used the kind permission of Rosemary Ambrose 2011] \lang4105
    Died Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I1045  Properties
    Last Modified 9 Oct 2011 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBuilding - log house - 1813 - 226 Woolwich St., Breslau, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChurch - congregation begun - 1815 - 226 Woolwich St., Breslau, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChurch - congregation begun - 1872 - Breslau Missionary Church, Breslau, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChurch - 1866-1893 - Breslau United Brethren in Christ Church, Breslau, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChurch - 1848-1955 - Bridgeport Free Church, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth