Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.
Arthur St. N. 0009 - Store - brick - demolished 2008 <font size="2" color="blue">Gone </font> Elmira

Arthur St. N. 0009 - Store - brick - demolished 2008 Gone Elmira

1001 - 2008  (100 years)

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  • Name Arthur St. N. 0009 - Store - brick - demolished 2008 Gone Elmira 
    Born 1001  9 Arthur St. N., Elmira, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Unknown 
    Building 9 Arthur St. N., Elmira, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    brick - 2 story - demolished 2009 
    N. D. Feil Bakery
    from Marion Roes 2011
    9 Arthur St. N., Elmira
    Being demolished 2009 from Marion Roes
    _STAT Never Married 
    Died demolished 2008 
    Person ID I138  Properties
    Last Modified 6 Dec 2011 

  • Notes 
    • Sears Order Office and Drexler Sewing Machines - 9 Arthur St. North, Elmira

      This Georgian style building also dates from the early years of the second half of the nineteenth century.  It was the place of business of James Nicol, general merchant, and then in 1882, Weber and Erb, also general merchants.  These stores were succeeded by a series of bakeries, the first run by George Weismiller.  H. Weitzel owned the bakery at the turn of the century, and the building was Feil's bakery until the 1930s.  A large brick bake oven in the present basement remains from the bakery days.

      A photo from around 1900 shows a second storey veranda extending the length of the front fa?ade and a small porch with turned posts on the south side of the building.  A close look at the brickwork (the segmented headings) on the first storey shows the original placement of the windows and entrance.1a

      1aElmira Three Walking Tours, compiled by Susan Bryant and Bertha Thompson for the Township of Woolwich LACAC (Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee), December, 1985 - submitted by Marion Roes  with permission of the authors 2011


      Simpson Sears Catalogue Sales Agent

      In February 1951, Mr. Charles Drexler bought the store from Mr. Carl Sippel, formerly Sippel's Paint and Wallpaper Store. In 1970 the store was completely remodelled.  Besides Simpson Sear's Catalogue Sales Store, Mr. Drexler also operates a Singer Sewing Machine and Service business. His wife Mary, assists Mr. Drexler full time. Formerly, before coming to Elmira, Mr. Drexler worked for Singer Sewing Machines in Kitchener.2a

      2aThe Elmira Old Boys & Girls Reunion 50th Anniversary 1973, p. 76


      Title of property:         Feil Drexler Building

      Description:      store

      Date Demolished:  2008

      Construction materials:   brick

      Stories:   2

      Use of the property:    Bakery "N. D. Feil"  

      Condition:      demolished

      Details on previous owners, builders, etc:      Norman. D. Feil

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 1001 - 9 Arthur St. N., Elmira, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuilding - brick - 2 story - demolished 2009 - - 9 Arthur St. N., Elmira, Ontario Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth