Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

Maple Grove Wesleyan Methodist Church Cambridge

1843 - Yes, date unknown

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  • Name Maple Grove Wesleyan Methodist Church Cambridge 
    Born begun 1843  2000 Speedsville Rd., Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Unknown 
    Church 1843  Maple Grove Wesleyan Methodist Church, 2000 Speedsville Rd., Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    congregation begun 
    Former Geographic Area Waterloo Township 
    Died Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I1476  Properties
    Last Modified 17 May 2012 

  • Notes 
    • Maple Grove Wesleyan Methodist

      Zion United Church

      Begun: 1843

      Wesleyan Methodist services began in 1843, with meetings held in Mr. Butler's barn and in a log schoolhouse located on the southwest corner of the intersection just south of the present-day church. The schoolhouse was destroyed by fire and in 1851 land for a church was donated by John Hilborn; the frame church was later bricked with white "Breslau Brick." The first minister was Rev. J. Willoughby. In 1954 work began on a foundation just a few feet north of the church to which the building was then moved. The white brick had been stripped off and sold prior to the move and was replaced by new red brick. Rededication services were held on June 26, 1955.

      The congregation was on the Dumfries Circuit of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Rev. George Ferguson, who organized the Circuit, recorded the early meetings of the Zion congregation in his Journal. The Church was later on the Galt, Berlin, Preston and Hespeler Circuits. Nahrgang (c.1976) reports that during the years 1857 to 1874 Zion was served by the Revs. Hamilton Biggar, C.W. Gilbert,  Ozias Barber , Francis Berry, George Kennedy, Alexander Sutherland, and Luther Rice.

      In his autobiography, Rev. Dr. Charles Freshman, the German Wesleyan Methodist missionary who served the Preston area from c.1860-1869, stated that he found a few English Methodist families in the district "who used to attend Zion Chapel, about three miles distant, on the Berlin Circuit, as they had no English preaching nearer" (Freshman 1868:211). Since joining the United Church of Canada on June 10, 1925, Zion has been served in charges with Bloomingdale, Freeport and, at the present time (1992), with St. Andrew's United Church in Cambridge (Preston).

      Of interest: the dates on the cornerstone of the church are 1851 and 1954.

      Baptism dates: unknown Location of records: unknown
      Marriage dates: unknown Location of records: unknown
      Burial dates: unknown Location of records: unknown

      Location of early records is unknown, but it is believed that they have been lost. Session books at the church date from c.1900. Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms for Waterloo County c.1830-c.1874 are in an indexed card file at the Kitchener Public Library.

      [ADDRESS/LOCATION: R.R. 31, Cambridge, ON N3H 4R6 - on Speedsville Road, 2 1/2 concessions north of Preston, on the west side of the road.]

      References: Freshman 1868:211; Hunsperger, WHS 1951(39):44; Nahrgang c.1976; WHS 1955(43):44.1a

      1aAmbrose, Rosemary. Waterloo County Churches A Research Guide to Churches Established Before 1900. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. [used the kind permission of Rosemary Ambrose 2011]

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - begun 1843 - 2000 Speedsville Rd., Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChurch - congregation begun - 1843 - Maple Grove Wesleyan Methodist Church, 2000 Speedsville Rd., Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth