Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.
Reeve Michael Weichel

Reeve Michael Weichel[1, 2]

Male 1843 - 1918  (74 years)

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  • Name Michael Weichel 
    Prefix Reeve 
    Born 25 Sep 1843  , Hessen, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
    Gender Male 
    Business M. Weichel & Son Co., Elmira, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    Interesting business, politics 
    Immigration 1859  , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Residence 1866  Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    Residence 1866  Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    Occupation 1871  Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    Residence 1871  Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    Occupation 1881  Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    Occupation 1891  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    Hardware Merchant 
    Residence 1891  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    Occupation 1901  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Hardware Merchant 
    Weichel's Hardware Store
    Weichel's Hardware Store
    7 Arthur Street North, Elmira, Ontario
    Residence 1903  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Weichel residence 1903 Elmira
    Weichel residence 1903 Elmira
    From: Enterprising Elmira Souvenir, An historical, descriptive, and illustrated Book of the Village of Elmira, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada, published by George Klinck, 1903.
    Occupation 1911  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    Merchant, Hardware 
    Residence 1911  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    Eby ID Number Waterloo-26030 
    Died 15 Jul 1918  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    Buried Elmira Union Cemetery, Elmira, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    Person ID I26030  Generations
    Last Modified 3 Mar 2025 

    Father George Weichel,   b. Abt 1815, Of, , Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1901  (Age ~ 85 years) 
    Mother Elizabeth Schaefer,   b. 20 May 1821, , Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Yes, date unknown 
    Family ID F2492  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Catherine Schmidt,   b. 8 Jan 1856, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Jun 1933, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 77 years) 
    Married 16 Aug 1875  Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
     1. Clara Louise Weichel,   b. 22 Jun 1878, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Jan 1970, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 91 years)
     2. Ida Magdalena "Edith" Weichel,   b. 17 Aug 1881, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 16 Jul 1965, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 83 years)
     3. Henry O. Weichel,   b. 18 Apr 1887, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Yes, date unknown
    Last Modified 4 Mar 2025 
    Family ID F6779  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Margaret Schmidt,   b. CALC 20 Sep 1846, , Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Oct 1870, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 24 years) 
    Married 9 Jan 1866  Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 13
     1. John S. Weichel,   b. 10 May 1866, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 15 Jul 1947, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 81 years)
     2. Mayor William George "Billy" Weichel, MP,   b. 20 Jul 1870, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 2 May 1949, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 78 years)
    Last Modified 4 Mar 2025 
    Family ID F6780  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Photos
    Michael Weichel 1903
    Michael Weichel 1903

  • Notes 
    • Mr. Michael Weichel, has been a resident of Elmira since 1862. He came from Germany when 12 years of age. When 20 years of age he learned blacksmithing in Elmira. In 1868 he commenced a shop on his own account which he continued 12 years. In 1881 he bought the hardware business of Mr. Wachsmuth. He is a public spirited citizen and has done much towards the advancement of Elmira. He was the second Reeve of the Village of Elmira.

      The Hardware Business of M. Weichel & Son has assumed large proportions. From a small beginning, it has grown to one of the largest enterprises of its kind in the County of Waterloo, comprising as it does, two large stores with immense stocks. From the beginning the firm has made it a practice to endeavor to please their customers and to supply them with anything they might want in hardware or kindred goods. They have constantly added new lines and are now handling apart from the ordinary class of hardware, coal, wood, binder twine, cement and other bulky goods. They have also a stove and tinware department in which they carry a heavy stock of stoves and furnaces of which they make a specialty. The tinsmithing department is under the management of a first-class experienced mechanic. In 1896 the firm started a store in Waterloo, on the same broad principles, which were responsible for their success in Elmira, with the result that they have now a very large and popular trade there.

      Enterprising Elmira Souvenir, An historical, descriptive, and illustrated Book of the Village of Elmira, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada, published by George Klinck, 1903.


      M. Weichel and Son Ltd., Hardware, Celebrates 75th Year of Business

      A special sale marks the 75th anniversary of Elmira's oldest hardware store, M. Weichel and Son Ltd., this week. The store was founded in 1879 by Michael Weichel in a store leased from William Wachsmuth, on the site where the Dreisinger furniture store now stands. At that time two clerks were employed in the store, Mr. Weichel's 13 year-old son John and another man. In December 1885 the Weichels moved their stock, valued at $4000 into a store which stood on part of the ground now occupied by the E. S. Otto building. Mr. Weichel carried on business here for a year, meanwhile working on the building which was to become his permanent store.

      When the Weichels had been in business in the permanent store for more than sixteen years fire destroyed the frame warehouse in back. 50 pounds of gunpowder were stored in the warehouse and the fire caused this to explode. This explosion brought the warehouse roof down on the fire and extinguished it. In those years the barter system was often used in dealings with farmers. Merchandise was exchanged for eggs and other foods. Sometimes as many as 200 dozen eggs were piled in the back of the store. Eggs brought ten cents a dozen then. In 1899 the Weichels bought the hardware store and stock of J. W. Fear, King street, south, Waterloo. At that time the company was formed with directors and shareholders. Mr. Weichel's brother, William G. Weichel, was the first manager of the Waterloo store. This store was sold in March, 1952 to William Schaefer, who had been its manager for 18 years.

      For 35 years after the opening of the Elmira store coal and wood were sold there. This line of business was discontinued about the beginning of the first world war. At that time the price of coal was $6 a ton and wood sold at $5 a cord. Present management of the store is Oscar Ruppel, president; Harold Weichel, vice-president; H. (Lefty) Weichel, secretary-treasurer; Harold Ruppel, director. The store's shareholders are Mrs. Oscar Ruppel, Mr. H. O. Weichel, and Mrs. Ida Heimbecker. The five members of the store's staff are Philip Steenson, Louella Klinck, Wayne Pettie, Omer Bauman and Lawrence Frey.

      The Elmira Signet, Thursday, November 4, 1954


      Weichel's Hdwe [hardware] those earlier days handled coal & wood. They had their sheds down by the C.N.R. and old Adam Weichel emptied many a coal car and also sang while doing it. The older Mike Weichel Sr was always the first one at the store at 7 a.m. and he was an elderly man then. John Weichel then took over with Oscar Ruppel. Then big (Mike Henry) came back from the west. After that Lefty took over as it stands today. Young Mike Oscar worked there awhile and then left for the first world war.

      Memories of Bill Rudow, transcript of an original in the Elmira Branch, Waterloo Region Library by Marion Roes 2011



      Last Monday death removed from Elmira one of her oldest and most highly respected citizens, in the person of Mr. Michael Weichel, a well known hardware merchant, who by dint of industry and enterprise. had acquired a high standing in the business sphere of the district throughout which he was widely known and appreciated. As a citizen he was known as a man of principle and integrity, considerate of the rights of others, honourable and reliable, energetic and enterprising in business, always ready to undertake and foster any project which promised to he of public benefit, foremost in the support of church and school work, and withal a stanch and substantial resident such as are required to uphold the standing of .a community.

      Mr. Weichel was born in Hessen, Germany, on September 26th, 1842. When 12 years of age he emigrated to Canada with his mother, settling in this township. For a period of eight years he was engaged in farm work on the farm of the late Win. Peterson, near Hawkesville. Then he came to Elmira, where he learned the blacksmithing trade with the late Adam Heller. Later he started a blacksmith shop at east Heidelberg where he remained but a short time, after which he return to Elmira, and in company with Robert Lochran, bought out Mr. Heller. For some time the firm operated the two then existing blacksmith shops in Elmira. Later deceased became sole owner, and after being sixteen years in this business, he sold out to Mr. H. Oppertshauser, and acquired the hardware business then conducted by the late Wm. Wachsmuth in the store now occupied by Mr. C. Dreisinger. The transfer occurred 38 years ago. From the beginning the business increased and prospered and soon it became necessary to acquire more room, A new site was purchased and one of the most up-to-date hardware stores of the period was erected. With the assistance of his sons, deceased built up a business which called for expansion. Twenty-one years ago (in 1897), a branch store was started in Waterloo under the management of Mr. W. G. Weichel (ex-M. P. for North Waterloo). This store also was greatly improved and enjoyed a prosperous and growing trade under the firm name of M. Weichel & Sons. Besides increasing their own business, the firm took active interest in the formation of manufacturing enterprises which were responsible, in a great degree, for the rapid and substantial growth of Elmira at a time when prospects were not promising. Two years ago the business of the firm was changed into a joint stock company of which deceased was president up to the time of his death.

      In 1878, after the death of the late John Ratz, who died while holding the office of Reeve of Elmira, Mr. Welchel was elected Reeve by acclamation In the former's stead. He was passionately fond of music and helped to organize the first brass band In Elmira in which he played for 18 years. He was also a member of St. Paul's Church Choir for 35 Years, in which he held the position of leading tenor up to the age of 70 years.

      Deceased leaves to mourn the lose of a kind husband and Indulgent father; a widow, three sons and two daughters, namely, John and Henry, of Elmira; William G., of Waterloo; Clara (Mrs. Oscar Ruppel), and Edith (Mrs. Henry Heimbecher), both of Elmira.

      He had reached the age of 75 years, 9 months and 21 days. The funeral will take place this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, at his late residence. Service will be held in St,Paul's Lutheran Church I of which deceased was a consistent member for many years.


      M. WEICHEL & SON.

      It is not an exaggeration to say that the above firm are the most extensive hardware dealers in Waterloo County. They have two mammoth establishments, one here and one at Waterloo. The Elmira branch would make a very creditable display in a city. Their business was established about eighteen years ago. The senior member of the firm has climbed from the ground up, first earning his daily bread as a humble blacksmith, and to-day there are none of our business men who evince more push, energy and enterprise. Mr. John Weichel, the junior member is, from a business point of view, "A Chip of the Old Block" He is the chief manager of the business here. The main store or salesroom is 20x87 feet in dimensions, and all the available space is occupied by every description of shelf and heavy hardware. They also occupy four flats and a cellar. To look over the immense collection of shelf hardware, one cannot help but arrive. at the conclusion that it would be impossible to fail in getting any article known to the hardware profession. The endless variety of useful and necessary articles so conveniently and neatly arranged, compels me to say that this is a model hardware store in the strictest sense of the term. This firm also deals extensively in coal, having a coal shed at the G.TR. depot, and they buy coal, coal oil and cement in carload lots. They make a specialty of binder twine and handled thirty- three tons of twine last year.

      Waterloo County Chronicle, 27 Jan 1898, p. 3

  • Sources 
    1. [S7] News - ON, Waterloo, Kitchener - Berliner Journal (1859-1917), 3 Nov 1870.
      Margaretha Weichel died 22 Oct 1870 in Elmira, wife of Michael, 24 yrs, 1 mth, 2 days.

    2. [S3002] Vit - ON - Marriage Registration, 012690-96.
      William George Weichel, 26, occ. Merchant, b. Elmira, res. Waterloo, son of Michael and Margaret married Jessie Rose Kinsman, 22, b. Galt, res. Galt, daughter of Richard and Isabella, Witn Oscar H. Vogt and Minnie J. Kinsman Both of Galt, 19 August 1896 In Galt.

    3. [S161] Census - ON, Waterloo, Elmira - 1901, Elmira (Village) B Page 6.

    4. [S161] Census - ON, Waterloo, Elmira - 1901, Elmira (Village) B. Page 6.

    5. [S4] Vit - ON - Marriage Registration.
      Michael Weichel Born: Germany Age: 32 Father: George Weichel Mother: Elizabeth Weichel Born: abt 1843 Spouse: Catharine Smith Age: 21 born: Canada Father: Peter Smith Mother: Henrietta Smith married 16 Aug 1875 married: Waterloo, Berlin

    6. [S5] Vit - - ON, Waterloo - 1858-1869 Marriage Register.
      Michael Weichel Born: Germany Res: Woolwich Age: 23 Father: George Weichel Mother: Elizabeth Schaefer Born: 1843 Spouse: Margaret Smidt Age: 19 born: Germany Res: Woolwich Born: 1847 Father: Peter Smidt Mother: Henrietta Frauzman married 9 Jan 1866

    7. [S130] Census - ON, Waterloo, Woolwich - 1881, Div. 2 Page 74.

    8. [S144] Census - ON, Waterloo, Woolwich - 1871, Div. 2, Pg. 58.

    9. [S98] Cemetery - ON, Waterloo, Woolwich - Elmira Union CC#4578 Internet Link.
      Michael Weichel1842-1918/ At Rest.

    10. [S176] Census - ON, Waterloo, Elmira - 1911, Div. 49 Pg. 11.

    11. [S2057] Census - ON, Waterloo, Elmira - 1891, Pg. 24.

    12. [S77] News - ON, Waterloo, Elmira - Elmira Signet (1893-1982), Obituary of John S. Weichel - 17 jul 1947.

    13. [S7] News - ON, Waterloo, Kitchener - Berliner Journal (1859-1917), 18 Jan 1866.
      Jan. 9, 1866 Margaretha Schmidt and Michael Weichel, both of Woolwich

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 25 Sep 1843 - , Hessen, Germany Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBusiness - - M. Weichel & Son Co., Elmira, , Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsImmigration - 1859 - , Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1866 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1866 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 9 Jan 1866 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Blacksmith - 1871 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Lutheran - 1871 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 16 Aug 1875 - Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Merchant - 1881 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Hardware Merchant - 1891 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Lutheran - 1891 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Hardware Merchant - 1901 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1903 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Merchant, Hardware - 1911 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Lutheran - 1911 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 15 Jul 1918 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - - Elmira Union Cemetery, Elmira, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth