1805 - 1861 (56 years)
Name |
Francis "Franz" Huck |
Born |
1805 |
Drusenheim, Alsace Lorraine, Germany [2, 3, 4] |
Gender |
Male |
Name |
Franz Huck |
Occupation |
1852 |
Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [2] |
farmer |
Eby ID Number |
Waterloo-31436 |
Died |
28 Mar 1861 |
Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [4] |
Person ID |
I31436 |
Generations |
Last Modified |
3 Mar 2025 |
Father |
Peter Huck, b. 29 Jan 1765, Drusenheim, Alsace Lorraine, Germany , d. 24 Sep 1861, Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 96 years) |
Family ID |
F8240 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Margaret Gatschene, b. 1817, , France , d. Yes, date unknown |
Married |
8 Sep 1836 |
Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario [5] |
Children |
| 1. Joseph Huck, b. 1837, , Ontario, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 2. Maria Ann "Mary" Hauck, b. 14 May 1838, , Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 26 May 1903, West Branch, Ogemaw, Michigan, United States (Age 65 years) |
| 3. Regina Huck, b. 1839, , Ontario, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 4. Francis Huck, b. 1841, , Ontario, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 5. Rosalia Huck, b. 1842, , Ontario, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 6. Lewis Huck, b. 1844, , Ontario, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 7. Jacob Huck, b. 1845, , Ontario, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 8. Chief George Huck, b. 12 Sep 1848, Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario , d. 3 Jan 1894, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 45 years) |
| 9. Magdalena Huck, b. 1849, Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 10. Catherine Hauck, b. 1851, Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario , d. Yes, date unknown |
| 11. Caroline Huck, b. 2 Feb 1855, Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario , d. 26 Dec 1909, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 54 years) |
| 12. Christian Huck, b. 1857, Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario , d. 17 Jul 1900, New Hamburg, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 43 years) |
| 13. Henry Huck, b. 1860, Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario , d. Yes, date unknown |
Last Modified |
4 Mar 2025 |
Family ID |
F8239 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- A-2-115 Francis Huck The Last Will and Testament of Francis Huck, late of the Township of Waterloo, Yeoman, who died on or about the 12st March 1861 at the Township of Waterloo, and who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at the said Township, was proved and registered in the said Surrogate Court, a true copy of which said Last Will and Testament is hereunder written and that the administration of all and singular the personal estate and effects, rights and credits of the said deceased…was granted by the aforesaid Court to Aloys Zinger and John Goetz, both of the Township of Woolwich, Yeomen, the Executors named in the said Will…
[No corrections made to misspelled words]
…I Francis Huck of the Township of Waterloo, Yeoman, being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory…do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament…(1st) I recommend my soul in the hands of my Redeemer and my body to be buried in Christian order in accordance with my Presion[sic] of reeligen[sic] and station of life. (2nd) I empower my Executors to collect all my outstanding dued and pay all my just legal debts. (3rd) I ordain that Dear beleved wife Margret shall hold and pses off my rail and personal estate during her natural life or her widowhood and my children shall obay there mother and under her comant do all things as as if I where alife. (4th) But should my widow for old age or other circumstances full disposed to not continue with the house keeping then either of my children shall have a right to take my said farm and that one of my children that will give the most for it shall have the first right to take the said farm but always on this condition that the widow shall hold full possession of the house and shall have the third part of all a nd singular the produce that will or may be raiset on my said farm. (5th) In case my widow shoud git married a second time she shall leife [leave] my premises and shall take with her her waring apearlels, a bet [bed] with one extra set of bed cloth and Bed stade also a cloth presser and no more of my property (or Second Mariage [sic]. (6th) And after my widows decease my personal estate shall be sold at public oction to the best adwendege by my Executors. (7th) I ordain that my soninlaw Joseph Leids shall receive one dollar of my effects after my decease for the reason that he received already more than his share of his legacy from me. (8th) It is my will and I ordain that all my heirs shall heave shear and shear alike at the final settlement of my estate unto the exception of the above said Joseph Leids. (9th) But as mentioned in the 4th Section, as that should occur as my widow would discontinue housekeeping then whoever may take and poses the said farm shall forniss the said widow with one third part of the aggs [eggs?] that may arise from the polstery [poultry?] on said farm. (10th) In case as aforesaid in Section 4 & Section 9, then my widow shall git of the person so agivleying my said farm yearly ten cords of good cord wood delivered at the house and also keep two good milch cows for the said widow in winder and summer and two sheep with the wood and two good hogs for fall, budsturing for her yearly meet during her natural life and that yearly and every year. (11th) Is my will that my Executors shall on the final settlement of all and singular my estate put my heirs shear and shear alike with the reservation of section 7. (12th) Is my will and ordain and appoint my trusty friends to be my sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, Alloys Zinger & John Goetz,…
Witnessed by Magdalena[?] Schell and I. B. Bowman
Will dated 19th March 1861
Proved 14th August 1861
Died 21st March 1861
Surrogate Court Records Copybook Register A 1853-1871 partial transcript to 1863. Frances Hoffman transcriber.
Sources |
- [S4] Vit - ON - Marriage Registration.
George Huck Born: Canada Age: 24 Father: Franz Huck Mother: Margaretha Huck Born: abt 1848 Spouse: Maria Spielmaker Age: 20 born: Canada Father: Andreas Spielmaker Mother: Jacobine Spielmaker married 29 Oct 1872
- [S131] Census - ON, Waterloo, Waterloo Twp. - 1851, Div 2 pg 113.
- [S168] Census - ON, Waterloo, Waterloo North - 1871, Div 2, Page 56.
- [S91] Church Records - ON, Waterloo, Maryhill - St. Boniface Roman Catholic [found cited on various sources on the internet and family histories].
Franz Huck, born in Trusenheim in Baden, d. 28 Mar 1861 buried 30 Mar aged 55 1/2 years.
- [S9] News - ON, Waterloo, Kitchener - Canada Museum und Allgemeine Zeitung (1835-1840), 29 Sep 1836:49.
8 Sep 1836 In New Germany, Waterloo Tp, Rom Cath priest Johann Ludwig Wiriath, m. Franz Huck to Margaretha Gatschemy. Both are from Old Germany.
Event Map |
 | Born - 1805 - Drusenheim, Alsace Lorraine, Germany |
 | Married - 8 Sep 1836 - Maryhill (New Germany) Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario |
 | Occupation - farmer - 1852 - Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
 | Died - 28 Mar 1861 - Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |