Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

Dr. John C. McLean

Male 1834 - 1911  (77 years)

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  • Name John C. McLean 
    Prefix Dr. 
    Born 3 Feb 1834  Quebec City, , Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Gender Male 
    Occupation 1891  Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Physician - Doctor - Dr. 
    Residence 1891  Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Business 1898  105 King St. W., Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Occupation 1901  Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Residence 1911  87 Frederick St., Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Eby ID Number Waterloo-38191 
    Died 25 Mar 1911  Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I38191  Generations
    Last Modified 19 Dec 2024 

    Family Mary Mann,   b. 9 Sep 1847, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 3 Dec 1921, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 74 years) 
    Last Modified 19 Dec 2024 
    Family ID F9997  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • MCLEAN, JOHN C. was born in the barracks in the Quebec Citadel on February 3, 1834. His father was in a Highland Regiment, possibly as an officer. His medical education was obtained at the University of Toronto, and at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, graduating in 1863 in both allopathy and homeopathy.

      He initially practised at Jackson, Michigan, although the 1882 Ontario Medical Register located him in Beamsville, Lincoln County.

      He came to Berlin at the beginning of 1891, locating at first on Foundry Street, next door to Mr. Pearce's terrace. He later moved to 105 King Street West, practising homeopathy. After residing in Berlin for 20 years, he died of a heart condition on March 25, 1911. He was survived by his widow, with no children, during his lengthy stay here, apart from one mention that he had recovered from an illness, he appears to have escaped the notice of the local newspapers.

      Dr. Alexander D. Campbell, Doctors in Waterloo County 1852-1925, 1986


      Aged Physician Passes Away

      Dr. John McLean, Well-Known Homeopathic Practitioner, Died At Hospital This Morning.

      Dr. John McLean, the well-known homeopathic physician, died this morning at seven o'clock at the B. & W. Hospital. He had been failing in health the past year, but the last two months his decline was more pronounced. He was removed to the hospital a week ago. The deceased was in his 78th year and had practised in Berlin for twenty years. He was an able physician. He was born in the citadel of Quebec, his father being a member of the famous Highland regiment. Before coming to Berlin he practised in Jackson, Mich. his entire practise comprising a period
      of 45 years. Deceased leaves a wife.

      The funeral (private) will be held on Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock from the Simpson undertaking parlors to Mount Hope Cemetery.

      The Weekly News-Record Thu, Mar 30, 1911 Page 12



      After a lingering illness extending for almost a year Dr. John McLean, Frederick street, passed away Saturday at the Berlin and Waterloo Hospital, where the deceased has been for the past week. He was a sufferer from heart affection and was only seriously ill for two months previous to his death.

      The late John McLean was born in the barracks in the Citadel of Quebec on February 3, 1831. His father was soldier in the Highland Regiment which had crossed the Atlantic a few years before and brought their wives with them. He received his higher education in Toronto University and at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he graduated in Homeopathy and Alpathy, which he practiced for almost 50 years. Before coming to Berlin where he resided for 20 he lived in Jackson, Michigan.

      He is survived by his sorrowing widow.

      The funeral of the late Dr. John McLean who passed away at the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital on Saturday morning. took place Monday from Simpson's undertaking establishment A brief serve was conducted at Mount Hope Cemetery by Rev. H. W Crews, in the presence of the bereaved widow and sympathizing friends. The pall-bearers were members of the local medical association, Drs. H. G. Lackner. M. L. A.; G. H. Bowlby.; J. F. Honsberger,; F. H. Kalbfleisch,; J. McGillwee and W. T. Wallace.

      The Chronicle Telegraph, 30 Mar 1911, p. 3

  • Sources 
    1. [S137] Census - ON, Waterloo, Berlin - 1901, Berlin (Town/Ville) A-11 Page 3.

    2. [S1592] Census - ON, Waterloo, Berlin - 1891, Section 2 Page 31.

    3. [S116] Vit - ON - Death Registration.
      John McLean, d. 25 Mar 1911 Berlin, b. 3 Feb 1834 Quebec City, Que. Res? 87 Frederick St., Occ: Physicican, s/o William McLean b. Scotland, informant Mary McMcLean 87 Frederick St.

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Physician - Doctor - Dr. - 1891 - Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Methodist - 1891 - Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Doctor - 1901 - Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1911 - 87 Frederick St., Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 25 Mar 1911 - Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - - Mount Hope Cemetery, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth