Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

Ernest William "Pete" Britton

Male 1908 - 1939  (30 years)

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  • Name Ernest William "Pete" Britton 
    Born 24 Aug 1908  Tottenham, London, Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Gender Male 
    FindAGrave https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/249243222 
    Residence 1911  Tottenham, London, Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Died 11 Jul 1939  Galt (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Residence 1973  Galt (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Eby ID Number Waterloo-423367 
    Buried Mount View Cemetery, Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I423367  Generations
    Last Modified 3 Mar 2025 

    Father Private William Britton,   b. 20 Oct 1870, Hackney, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 10 Jun 1933  (Age 62 years) 
    Mother Elizabeth Sharp,   b. 1873, Tottenham, London, Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Jun 1933, Galt (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 60 years) 
    Family ID F54872  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Alice Plumtree,   b. 1910, Lancaster, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Jan 1973, London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 63 years) 
    Married 9 Nov 1935  Morriston, Puslinch Twp., Wellington Co., Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
     1. Ellen Britton
     2. Joan Britton
     3. Barbara Britton
    Last Modified 4 Mar 2025 
    Family ID F272465  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • 3 Galt Workmen Drowned in Tank Overcome by Gas;

      Topple Into Two Feet of Water; Foreman Dies, in Attempted Rescue.

      GALT.-After consulting Crown Attorney Clement of Kitchener, Coroner James McQueen called an inquest for Monday night into the triple fatality at the septic tank of the city sewage disposal plant on Water Street South Tuesday morning, in which three regular Board of Works employees lost their lives. The Coroner's belief the men were drowned when they were overcome by sewer gas, was confirmed by a postmortem performed.

      The victims were Harry E. Westwood, 58, widowers, father of five, City Sewer Inspector and city employee for 28 years: Albert Hatfield. 49, married, city employee for 11 years, and William E. (Pete) Britton, 31, father of two small daughters, employed by the city since the spring.

      Victims of Methane Gas

      A theory was advanced that the men were victims of methane gas, the presence of which cannot be de tected, and that they toppled into the water which was only about a foot deep.

      The tragedy was not discovered until shortly before noon when Works Superitendent William Mc Lellan motored to the plant to bring the men back to the city. He found the door open, but saw no trace of them. He went in to make inquiries at an adjoining garage, and with H Kitchen, a mechanic, went back to the building and made the discovery. Firemen were called, and one without a gas mask went down into the hole and attached ropes for lifting the bodies.

      Hatfield and Britton were wearing rubber boots, while Westwood, the foreman, had on leather shoes, which led to the belief that he probably gave his life in an attempted rescue, when the other two were overcome.

      Kitchen said he heard the men in the tank shouting about 45 minutes before the bodies were found. "We didn't think anything of it," he said "They often called to each other for pieces of equipment or to have some one turn on a valve."

      The tank in which the men lost their lives is 12 feet long, 6 feet wide, with board covering and 16 feet deep.

      The Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, Ontario), Friday July 14, 1939, pages 1 and 8

  • Sources 
    1. [S2446] Census - England - 1911, Tottenham, London, England Class: RG14; Piece: 7283; Schedule Number: 312.
      William Britton 40 Hackney, London, England - Builder Laborer
      Elizabeth 38 Tottenham, London, England
      Elizabeth 19
      Rosey 16
      Liley 13
      Emily 11
      Florence 7
      Maud 4
      Earnest 2

    2. [S116] Vit - ON - Death Registration.
      NameErnest William Britton
      Birth Date25 Aug
      Birth PlaceEngland
      Death Date11 Jul 1939
      Death PlaceGalt, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
      FatherWm Britton
      SpouseAlice Plumtree
      Certificate Number034958

    3. [S2488] aaa Vit - ON - Marriage Registration, marriage certificate 024443 (1935).
      Name:Alice Plumtree Gender:Female Age:25 Birth Year:abt 1910 Birth Place:Lancashire England Marriage Date:2 Nov 1935 Marriage Place:Galt, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Father:Ernest Plumtree Mother:Mary Ellen Plumtree Spouse:Ernest William Britton

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 24 Aug 1908 - Tottenham, London, Middlesex, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1911 - Tottenham, London, Middlesex, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 9 Nov 1935 - Morriston, Puslinch Twp., Wellington Co., Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 11 Jul 1939 - Galt (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1973 - Galt (Cambridge), Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - - Mount View Cemetery, Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth