1850 - 1921 (70 years)
Name |
David S. Bean |
Prefix |
Mayor |
Born |
29 Dec 1850 |
Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] |
Gender |
Male |
Residence |
1852 |
Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [8] |
Mennonite |
Residence |
1861 |
Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [10] |
Methodist |
Residence |
1869 |
Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [5] |
Occupation |
1871 |
Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [7] |
Teacher |
Residence |
1871 |
Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [7] |
Wesleyan Methodist |
Occupation |
1881 |
Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [4] |
Teacher |
Historic Building |
1882 |
73 George St., Waterloo, Ontario [12] |
- The Bean-Wright House stands on land which constitutes a portion of the Christian Kumpf and Benjamin Devitt Surveys. Theodore Bellinger acquired a large lot assembled from parcels owned by Simon Snider, Joseph E. Seagram and Christian Kumpf.
Bellinger, a merchant and Town Councillor, built this impressive Victorian home with many Italianate characteristics in 1882. His widow sold the house in 1900 to David Bean, who was owner of the Waterloo Chronicle, a Town Councillor and Mayor of Waterloo from 1901 to 1903.
The home's outstanding features include the frieze board and brackets under the wide eaves and the arched windows in the attic of the projecting bay on the north elevation. The bay window on that facade has a variety of very delicate mouldings. A double front door is highlighted by an arched course of brick and cast key stone as well as a four-paned transom.
This example of the Italianate influence on late Victorian architecture was designated as a Heritage Landmark on the basis of its historic and architectural value and interest.1a
1aDesignated Properties www. waterloo.ca
73 George St., Image from: 100 Years of Progress in Waterloo County, Canada: semi-centennial souvenir 1856-1906 |
Occupation |
1891 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [9] |
Publisher |
Residence |
1891 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [9] |
Methodist |
Elected Office |
1901 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
Mayor - Waterloo |
FindAGrave |
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/113123823 |
Rsrch. Note |
- David Bean, 1850 - 1921
Born on December 29, 1850 on the Biehn (Bean) family farm in Haysville, Wilmot Township, David Bean became a teacher. Upon receiving his teacher's certificate when he was around 15 years old, he taught in the school at Blenheim as well as schools in Baden and Washington. In 1868 he began teaching at the Elmira Public and Continuation School and was promoted to the position of principal in 1876, a position he held until 1888. Along with partner N. C. Dipel, Bean entered the newspaper business with the purchase The Waterloo Chronicle and Family Newspaper in 1888 and moved to Waterloo. The following year he became sole owner of the newspaper. In 1899 he and his son D. Alex purchased the Daily Telegraph and continued to publish both newspapers. Bean was the first chairman of the Waterloo Water Commission established in 1899 and was a member of the Waterloo Board of Trade and a director of the Dominion Life Assurance Company. A member of the Waterloo Methodist Church (now First United), Bean served as a long-standing trustee, the superintendent of the Sunday School and for many years was also the church's choir master. Bean served one year on town council in 1899 prior to being elected mayor the following two years. Queen Victoria's death in 1901 saw Bean's council approve a proposal to construct a memorial gate for the entrance to the municipal park. That year also saw council addressing the issue of the care of smallpox patients. In 1902 Bean was successful in securing a grant of $10,000 from Andrew Carnegie for the construction of a Free Library Building. Also that year, council investigated establishing a militia company in Waterloo and the town held its largest Saengerfest (singing festival). In 1920 the idea of bringing electric power to the town from Niagara Falls was championed by the Waterloo Board of Trade.From the city of Waterloo's website 2005
Name |
David S. Biehn |
Occupation |
1901 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [3] |
Publisher |
Occupation |
1911 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [6] |
Publisher |
Residence |
1911 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [6] |
Methodist |
Eby ID Number |
00008-1022 |
Died |
29 Nov 1921 |
Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [11] |
Buried |
Mount Hope Cemetery, Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [11] |
Person ID |
I42346 |
Generations |
Last Modified |
28 Jan 2025 |
Father |
John Biehn, b. 12 May 1813, Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 17 Aug 1898, Haysville, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 85 years) |
Mother |
Anna Scheirich, b. 25 Oct 1818, Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 31 Mar 1881, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 62 years) |
Married |
3 Nov 1835 |
Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada [13] |
Family ID |
F3014 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Mary Ann Fry, b. 9 Nov 1848, Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 23 Aug 1909, Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 60 years) |
Married |
15 Apr 1869 |
Blenheim Twp., Oxford Co., Ontario, Canada [5, 14] |
Children |
| 1. Anna Regina Bean, b. 29 Nov 1869, Washington, Blenheim Twp., Oxford Co., Ontario, Canada , d. 6 May 1944, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 74 years) |
| 2. Blanche Beatrice Bean, b. 21 Jul 1874, Blenheim Twp., Oxford Co., Ontario, Canada , d. 3 Mar 1964, Regina, , Saskatchewan, Canada (Age 89 years) |
| 3. John Henry Bean, b. 11 Sep 1876, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 21 Sep 1876, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 0 years) |
| 4. David Alexander "Alexander" Bean, b. 3 Oct 1877, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 26 Aug 1964, Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 86 years) |
| 5. Emma Louise Bean, b. 7 Jan 1881, Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 1953 (Age 71 years) |
| 6. Clive Stanley Bean, b. 30 Jul 1884, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 1955, , Pinellas, Florida (Age 70 years) |
| 7. Roy Sylvester "Sylvester" Bean, b. 30 Jul 1884, Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada , d. 10 Aug 1939, Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (Age 55 years) |
Last Modified |
29 Jan 2025 |
Family ID |
F11005 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- David S. Bean, "the sixth son of John and Annie (Scheirich) Bean, was born about the year 1850. He, after passing his earlier years engaged in agricultural pursuits on his father's farm, obtained an education, and choosing the teaching profession in life, he successfully passed his examinations in 1867, and in January, 1868, he commenced teaching in our public schools. By his great energy and perseverance he became one of the most successful teachers in the county, and after having taught for twenty years he retired from the profession in December, 1888. In January, 1889, he purchased the "Waterloo Chronicle" and has since through his ability in journalism, made it one of the ablest and most influential weekly papers of the county, and one that exercises a powerful influence, not only in Waterloo County, but throughout all the adjoining counties. He is married to Mary Ann Fry and has a family of several children."
Eby, Ezra E. (1895). A biographical history of Waterloo township and other townships of the county: being a history of the early settlers and their descendants, mostly all of Pennsylvania Dutch origin: as also much other unpublished historical information chiefly of a local character. Berlin [Kitchener, Ont.]: [s.n.].
Funeral of Late David Bean Was Largely At tended on Sunday
Former business associates and members of various civic bodies and organisations with which he had been identified together with a large gathering of relatives, assembled to honor the memory of the late David Bean, whose funeral was held from his late residence, George St. Waterloo, on Sunday afternoon.
Rev. W. H. Harvey, pastor of the Waterloo Methodist Church of which the late Mr. Bean had been an active and leading member for many years, was the officiating clergyman and in tributes to his character and works recalled his activity as a teacher in the schools of the county, his contributions to the progress of the community' while in responsible offices of trust, including the position of mayor and chairman of various civic bodies in Waterloo and also as an energetic worker in the church. Honorable, upright and alert to serve his fellows, his life. he said, was worthy of emulation, embodying as it did the attributes of the best citizenship. Although laid aside in his prime, he had accomplished much for his day and generation in the short span of fifty years of active life and was every sense a worthy, high-minded citizen, who commanded the general respect and regard of the community.
Members of the choir of the Waterloo Methodist Church and Zion Evangelical church were present and sang several of the favorite hymns of the late Mr. Bean.
The bearers were Thos. Hilliard, George Diebel, S. B. Bricker, M. S. Hallman, R. O. Dobbin and A. Werner of Elmira. Interment was made in Mount Hope Cemetery.
The beautiful floral tributes which surrounded the casket were sent by the following:
Vacant chair, Directors Dominion Life Assurance Co.; wreath, Methodist Quarterly Official Board and Kitchener Park Board: anchor, employees of Chronicle Telegraph, pillow. Telegraph Staff, Kitchener: Sprays, Waterloo Methodist choir, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MeCorkindale and the Misses Roos, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Geiger, Mrs. Badley. Alma Laschinger, Hattle Ruppel and Bertha Christman, Elmira, B. E. Bechtel and family, Clara Schumann Club, Mrs. Lutes, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cook; Zion Church Choir, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snider,, Mrs. Wegenast and Mrs. J. B. Snider, Mrs. M. C. Fry and family, Mr. anil Mrs. A. K. Cressman, Miss Grace Martin, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hall, Sentinel Printing Co., anchor: Mr. and Mrs. E. Koff, pillow, the family.
The Chronicle Telegraph, 8 Dec 1921, p. 6
After a life of great activity in the educa.. journalistic and municipal fields in Waterloo County, Mr. David Bean, of Waterloo, passed away peacefully on Tuesday It was fitting that, being a lover music, he should retire to rest on the night ...eding his demise to the strains of music, ... his last waking hours on earth happy ...fal.
... Mr. Bean spent his early life on his .. near Haysville, where he ... Public and Continuation schools, ...teaching profession at the early ... after acquiring his ... A men and women in various ....will remember with warm ... intruction they received from at Blenheim, Baden, Washington during a teaching career ex... knowledge, enthusiasm for his work, interest in all phases of student life and firmness of discipline were among the factors contributing to an enviable record of success as a teacher.
In 1889 he retired from the teaching profession to enter the journalistic field, becoming the proprietor and editor of the Waterloo Chronicle.
Being well and favorably known throughout the county the newspaper quickly expanded under his direction until it became the most widely-read weekly newspaper in the county. Ten years later, in company with his son, D. Alex Bean, he purchased the Daily Telegraph, and
was actively engaged in the oversight of the two newspapers until he was afflicted with the malady that made it necessary for him to retire
company of David Bean and Sons, Limited, was formed in 1911, of which he was the president.
As a citizen he took a keen interest in municipal affairs, and was a member of the Library Board for a number of years, after which he entered the Town Council as a Councillor, and then served as Mayor for three consecutive terms. During the time that he sat in the Council and Water Commission a number of important enterprises were undertaken, the most i portant being the acquiring of the Waterloo waterworks system.
The late Mr. Bean was a director of the Dominion Life Assurance Co. for many years, and was a life-long and useful member of the Methodist church.
Although active in many spheres, he was of a quiet and unassuming disposition, preferring that others receive the praise rather than himself for any successes that were achieved. During the last eight or ten years he has been a semi invalid. Up to the last, however, he retained his full mental powers and continued to evince a keen interest in the welfare of the enterprises he had initiated in the days of health and strength, and in the affairs of his town and country.
In the death of Mr. Bean Waterloo and Kitchener, as well as Waterloo county, have lost a valuable citizen whose life was crowded with useful and unselfish activity on behalf of his fellows.
The Chronicle Telegraph, 15 Dec 1921, p. 2
Sources |
- [S3] Book - Vol I A Biographical History of Waterloo Township and other townships of the county : being a history of the early settlers and their descendants, mostly all of Pennsylvania Dutch origin..., 260.
- [S10] Book - Vol II A Biographical History of Waterloo Township and other townships of the county : being a history of the early settlers and their descendants, mostly all of Pennsylvania Dutch origin..., 226.
- [S135] Census - ON, Waterloo, Waterloo City - 1901, Waterloo (Town/Ville) D-3 Page 2.
- [S130] Census - ON, Waterloo, Woolwich - 1881, Div. 2 Page 46.
- [S58] Vit - ON, Oxford - Oxford County Marriage Register 1858-1869.
David Bean Birth Place: Wilmot RESIDENCE: Blenheim Age: 20 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1849 Father Name: John Mother Name: Ann Tharich Spouse Name: Marianne Fry Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse Estimated Birth Year: abt 1847 Spouse Birth Place: Waterloo Spouse Residence: Blenheim Spouse Father Name: Christian Spouse Mother Name: Regina Croft Marriage Date: 15 Apr 1869 Marriage County: Oxford
- [S366] Census - ON, Waterloo, Waterloo City - 1911, Div. 43 Pg. 2.
- [S190] Census - ON, Waterloo, Wilmot - 1871, Div. 3 Page 61.
- [S134] Census - ON, Waterloo, Wilmot - 1851, Div. 1 Pg. 17.
- [S1573] Census - ON, Waterloo, Waterloo City - 1891, Section 4 Page 5.
- [S844] Census - ON, Waterloo, Wilmot - 1861, Sect. 3 Page 17.
- [S3231] Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/113123823/david-s-bean.
- [S873] Waterloo City - designated properties list, Bean-Wright House.
- [S9] News - ON, Waterloo, Kitchener - Canada Museum und Allgemeine Zeitung (1835-1840), 5 Nov 1835:11.
last Tuesday By Wm. Ellis, Johann Biehn m Anna Scheirich, both are of Waterloo.
- [S3] Book - Vol I A Biographical History of Waterloo Township and other townships of the county : being a history of the early settlers and their descendants, mostly all of Pennsylvania Dutch origin..., 261.
Event Map |
| Born - 29 Dec 1850 - Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - Mennonite - 1852 - Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - Methodist - 1861 - Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - 1869 - Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Married - 15 Apr 1869 - Blenheim Twp., Oxford Co., Ontario, Canada |
| Occupation - Teacher - 1871 - Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - Wesleyan Methodist - 1871 - Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Occupation - Teacher - 1881 - Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Historic Building - 1882 - 73 George St., Waterloo, Ontario |
| Occupation - Publisher - 1891 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - Methodist - 1891 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Elected Office - Mayor - Waterloo - 1901 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Occupation - Publisher - 1901 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Occupation - Publisher - 1911 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - Methodist - 1911 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Died - 29 Nov 1921 - Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Buried - - Mount Hope Cemetery, Waterloo City, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |