1821 - 1897 (75 years)
Name |
Nicholas Johannes Perius |
Born |
31 Dec 1821 |
Steinbach, , Saarland, Germany [1] |
Gender |
Male |
FindAGrave |
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/274179222 |
Misfortune |
killed in train accident |
Residence |
1861 |
Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada |
Occupation |
1871 |
Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada [1] |
farmer |
Residence |
1871 |
Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada [1] |
Residence |
1881 |
Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada |
Eby ID Number |
Waterloo-488690 |
Died |
30 Sep 1897 |
near, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee, Michigan, United States |
Buried |
Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee, Michigan, United States |
Person ID |
I488690 |
Generations |
Last Modified |
28 Jan 2025 |
Family |
Anna Maria Schmidt, b. 15 Oct 1835, Solzweiler, Sankt Wendel, , Saarland, Germany , d. 8 Feb 1872, Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada (Age 36 years) |
Married |
25 Feb 1856 |
St. Agatha, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
Children |
| 1. Peter Perius, b. 3 Sep 1859, Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada , d. 25 May 1929, , Ramsey Co., North Dakota, USA (Age 69 years) |
| 2. Nicholas Marcus "Nick" Perius, b. 26 Oct 1861, Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada , d. 17 Jan 1935, Mount Carmel, Cavalier, North Dakota, United States (Age 73 years) |
| 3. Rev. Ignatius E. Perius, b. 6 Feb 1872, Deemerton, Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario , d. 23 Sep 1926, Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA (Age 54 years) |
Last Modified |
29 Jan 2025 |
Family ID |
F300107 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
A Corpse Found Which Bore A Railway Ticket to Berlin
No Further Identification
The body of a strange man about 50 years of age was found on the Grand Trunk track near Shafteburg, Mich, on Thursday, and the only clue to his destination was a railway ticket for Berlin, Ont. Station Agent Dover received the following mensage on Friday, which explains itself. THE TELEGRAM. Battle Creek.
Agent Berlin.
Body found near Shaftsburg this morning, supposed to be that of a passenger on train No 4 last night, ticketed to Berlin, Ont. Between 45 and 50 years old, bald head, dark hair around lower part of head and ears. Can you get identification from this description? There nothing on the body to identify him. Answer.
The Remains Identified As those of Nicholas Perius.
Father Perius of St. Jerome's College His Son. The Unfortunate Man's Trunk Arrived Here Sept. 30th.
The man who was found dead on the Grand Trunk Railway track near Shaftsburg, Mich., on Friday last, and who was ticketed to Berlin, has been identified. The body is that of Nicholas Perius, from Langdon, North Dakota, the father of Rev. Perius of St. Jerome's college.
Station agent Dover wired on Saturday to find where the man was ticketed from and was informed that the ticket read from Langdon, N. D., to Berlin, Ont. A trunk had arrived in Berlin on Sept 30th from the same destination,and this was opened. Among other means of identification Was a letter written by Father Perius while at. Rome, Italy, to his father. Father Perius was at once informed and further investigation proved the sad intelligence to be only too true. Agent Dover this morning wired the following instructions :
Berlin, Oct. 4th, 1897.
A. B. McINTYRE, Battle Creek. We have identified body found near Shaftsburg,, as that of Nicholas Perius. Description appears in every particular except age, which would be about 70 years. We have trunk in baggage room, checked from Langdon, N. D., received here Sept.
30th, containing letters addressed to Nicholas Perius. Check number 68,816, G. N. W. This party left Langdon, N. D., on Sept. 29th. His son is a priest in St. Jerome's college here and wishes to have the body sent to Petersburg, Ont., by first train. Reply. D. B. DOVER.
The Remains Buried The Same Day as found
In answer to the telegram of identification of the late Mr. Perius, sent on Monday by station agent Dover, an answer was received Tuesday saying that on account of the mangled condition of the body the remains were interred the same day they were found. Rev. Theo. Spetz left for the scene of the fatality Tuesday. There is an air of mystery surrounding the case that should be cleared up.
The Weekly News-Record, Kitchener, Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Thu, Oct 7, 1897 Page 1
The man who was found dead on the Grand Trunk railway track near Shaftsburg, Mich, on Friday last, and who was ticketed to Berlin, has been identified. The body is that of Nicholas Perius, from Langdon, North Da kota, the father of Rev. Father Perius, of St Jerome's College, Berlin
New Hamburg Independent 1 Oct 1897
Rev Theo Spetz has returned from Battle Creek, Michigan, whither he went to make inquiry into the death of the late N Perius who was killed on the G TR near Shaftsbury, while enroute from Langdon, N D, to visit his son- Rev Father Perius of St Jerome's College. The reverend gentleman learned nothing further than that the remaing were terribly out up by the train-bits of the body being found a mile from the scene of the accident. How he come to meet his death in the terrible manner he did is unexplained.
The News Record Tue, Oct 12, 1897 Page 1
Nicholas Perius, one of the old pioneers of the McCarmel settlement, took the train on Monday of last week for his old home at Berlin, Out., and two days later on Wednesday evening, met his death by falling from the moving train near Shaftsburg, Mich., when only within a few hours of his destination. Mr. Perius was fully 75 years of age and was returning to Ontario to spend the winter months and visit his son the Rev. I. Perius, who has lately entered the priesthood after spending seven years in study at Rome.
It was not uutil Monday of this week that his family in Cavalier county learned of the sad event which had occurred eix days previous. The remains will be brought back here for interment, Miss Mary Perius leaving Tuesday to make the necessary arrangements.
Courier Democrat Langdon, North Dakota Thu, Oct 7, 1897 Page 5
[Special Telegram.]
Niles, Mich., Oct. 12.-The body of Nicholas Perius of Langdon, S. D., was found this morning on the Grand Trunk track near
Perry. Perius, who was a wealthy Dakota farmer, came to Michigan a few weeks ago to visit a daughter who lives on a farm
three miles south of Perry. Monday he went to the village and at a late hour started down the railroad tracks to his daughter's
The Chicago Chronicle Wed, Oct 13, 1897 Page 10
Body of Man Killed at Shaftaburg Said to Have Been Stolen.
The mau who was killed on the Grand Trunk railway between Shaftsburg and Perry ten days ago has been identified at Nicholas Perius, of Langdon, Dakota. The gentleman left home two weeks ago to visit his son, at Berlin, Canada, who recently returned from Rome, where he has been pursuing his studies. The identification was brought about by means of his railroad ticket and use of the telegraph wires with the railroad agent at Langdon.
At Chicago be took the fast train oyer the Grand Trunk which passes here about 11 o'clock p. m. The mystery is how he could have fallen from the train. He carried about fifty dollars with him, but when the remains were discovered the next morning, only about fifty cents were found. This leads to the thought that there was foul play, the supposition being he was enticed to the platform of the coach, relieved of his money, and pushed from the train.
His daughter came to Morrice, Saturday, to claim the remains but decided not to remove them when she learned how badly they were mangled.
Lansing, Mich., October 18. Shaftsburg people are exercised over an outrage which they think has been perpetrated there. On September 29 an old man was cut to pieces by the cars near that place, and his remains were buried in the Shaftsburg cemetery. The dead man's relatives sought permission to remove the remains to Canada, and Secretary Baker, of the state board of health, denied the request, deeming the removal unsafe.
Today Dr. Baker received a letter from Shaftsburg, stating that the grave had been tampered with, and that it is suspected that the body bad been removed. The writer wanted to know if the local authorities had the right to Investigate and ascertain if the body had been taken away. He was assured that they had, and further developments are expected.
Later: The scare proves to be without foundation. The body was taken up aud placed In a better coffiu by his relatives.
Owosso Times Owosso, Michigan Fri, Oct 15, 1897 Page 8
Sources |
- [S2430] Census - Canada - 1871, Census Place: Carrick, Bruce South, Ontario; Roll: C-9934; Page: 16; Family No: 53.
Event Map |
| Born - 31 Dec 1821 - Steinbach, , Saarland, Germany |
| Married - 25 Feb 1856 - St. Agatha, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - 1861 - Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada |
| Occupation - farmer - 1871 - Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - 1871 - Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - 1881 - Carrick Twp., Bruce Co., Ontario, Canada |
| Died - 30 Sep 1897 - near, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee, Michigan, United States |