Tree: Generations
Latitude: 43.5363694, Longitude: -80.3920697
Tree: Test
Latitude: 43.536369, Longitude: -80.39207
BuriedMatches 1301 to 1400 of 1532 «Prev «1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Buried |
Person ID |
1301 |
Trakalo, Gerald Edward "Jerry" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I70631 |
1302 |
Trim, Susannah | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30055 |
1303 |
Tschirhart, Ralph Walter | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I94544 |
1304 |
Uhrich, Stephania | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221555 |
1305 |
Vagle, John | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I56912 |
1306 |
Vagle, John S. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I56914 |
1307 |
Vagle, Joseph M. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I56917 |
1308 |
Van de Ven, John | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221902 |
1309 |
Voegele, Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I275509 |
1310 |
Vogel, Anna Maria | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I70192 |
1311 |
Vogt, Agnes | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69222 |
1312 |
Vogt, Catherine | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69141 |
1313 |
Vogt, Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I156225 |
1314 |
Vogt, John | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69140 |
1315 |
Vogt, Ludwig "Louis" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69138 |
1316 |
Vogt, Magdalena | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69142 |
1317 |
Vogt, Maria Anna | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30084 |
1318 |
Voisin, Roman "Romie" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I111414 |
1319 |
Voll, Carl | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I163482 |
1320 |
Vollmer, Josephine | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I299475 |
1321 |
Von Hatten, Andrew | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293436 |
1322 |
Von Hatten, John | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293433 |
1323 |
Von Hatten, Magdalena | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293435 |
1324 |
Von Hatten, Mary | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293437 |
1325 |
Waddel, Catherine | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I57110 |
1326 |
Wadel, Catherine "Katie" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I109958 |
1327 |
Wadel, Maria Anna "Mary" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I84951 |
1328 |
Wadel, Mary Amelia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I68818 |
1329 |
Waechter, Alfred Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221910 |
1330 |
Waechter, David J. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221961 |
1331 |
Waechter, Dorothy | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I245637 |
1332 |
Waechter, Francis W. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I191918 |
1333 |
Waechter, Francis W. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I485905 |
1334 |
Waechter, Oscar | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I188478 |
1335 |
Waechter, Paul James | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221954 |
1336 |
Waechter, Theobold | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I266536 |
1337 |
Wagner, Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31326 |
1338 |
Wahl, Joan | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I174881 |
1339 |
Walsh, Audrey P. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I297745 |
1340 |
Warren, Lawrence C. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221965 |
1341 |
Weiler, Andreas "Andrew" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I28209 |
1342 |
Weiler, Andrew | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I28216 |
1343 |
Weiler, Andrew | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I141066 |
1344 |
Weiler, Anthony A. "Anton" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I112734 |
1345 |
Weiler, Anthony R. "Anton" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I141061 |
1346 |
Weiler, Appollonia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I365550 |
1347 |
Weiler, Barbara | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I55285 |
1348 |
Weiler, Catherine | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I18548 |
1349 |
Weiler, Catherine "Kate" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I57237 |
1350 |
Weiler, Charles | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69230 |
1351 |
Weiler, Edmund | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I56857 |
1352 |
Weiler, Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30082 |
1353 |
Weiler, Francis | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I141067 |
1354 |
Weiler, George | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I141068 |
1355 |
Weiler, Henrietta Agnes | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221504 |
1356 |
Weiler, Herbert "Herb" | 18 Sep 1991 | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293898 |
1357 |
Weiler, Ignatius Anton "Ignatz" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I143742 |
1358 |
Weiler, Isabella Carolina | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30264 |
1359 |
Weiler, Jacob Martin | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I155951 |
1360 |
Weiler, Jacob R. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I68838 |
1361 |
Weiler, James E. "Whitey" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I274335 |
1362 |
Weiler, John Alfred | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I88124 |
1363 |
Weiler, John George | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69292 |
1364 |
Weiler, John Joseph Anthony | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I120975 |
1365 |
Weiler, John S. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69229 |
1366 |
Weiler, Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I204917 |
1367 |
Weiler, Leander Stephen "Chester" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I142979 |
1368 |
Weiler, Leo Anthony | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221499 |
1369 |
Weiler, Leonard Herbert | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31298 |
1370 |
Weiler, Margretha "Margaret" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I143745 |
1371 |
Weiler, Maria Anna "Mary" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I155705 |
1372 |
Weiler, Maria Appolonia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69290 |
1373 |
Weiler, Maria Elizabeth "Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31307 |
1374 |
Weiler, Martin | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69287 |
1375 |
Weiler, Mary Ann | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I140837 |
1376 |
Weiler, Norman | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I18544 |
1377 |
Weiler, Regina | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I141064 |
1378 |
Weiler, Sara Ann | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69291 |
1379 |
Weiler, Simon S. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221502 |
1380 |
Weiler, Theresa | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I85159 |
1381 |
Weiler, Theresa | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I170798 |
1382 |
Weiler, Theresia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31322 |
1383 |
Weiler, Theresia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I113801 |
1384 |
Weiler, Tina Louise | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222077 |
1385 |
Weiler, Veronica | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69293 |
1386 |
Weiler, William "Bill" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I33020 |
1387 |
Weiler, Xavier Francis "Frank" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30080 |
1388 |
Weiss, Maria Magdalena "Mary" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I284955 |
1389 |
Wellhauser, Louis | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I111980 |
1390 |
Wellhauser, Mathias | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I112779 |
1391 |
Wendling, Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30069 |
1392 |
Wendling, Mary Ann | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I41711 |
1393 |
Wey, Rev. Joseph E. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I13764 |
1394 |
Wiest, Mary T. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I88510 |
1395 |
Wilhelm, Albert | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I108173 |
1396 |
Wilhelm, Aloise | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I93652 |
1397 |
Wilhelm, Charles M. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I68921 |
1398 |
Wilhelm, Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69202 |
1399 |
Wilhelm, Grace E. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I155809 |
1400 |
Wilhelm, Henry Z. "Harry" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I68924 |
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