Tree: Generations
Latitude: 43.5363694, Longitude: -80.3920697
Tree: Test
Latitude: 43.536369, Longitude: -80.39207
BuriedMatches 1401 to 1500 of 1532 «Prev «1 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Buried |
Person ID |
1401 |
Wilhelm, Ida | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293963 |
1402 |
Wilhelm, Jerome Antony "Lou" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I177603 |
1403 |
Wilhelm, Magdalena | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I235153 |
1404 |
Wilhelm, Magdelena "Lena" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69366 |
1405 |
Wilhelm, Mary Eva "Eva" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69889 |
1406 |
Wilhelm, Regina | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I95035 |
1407 |
Wilhelm, Rosalia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I93654 |
1408 |
Williams, Robin | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222081 |
1409 |
Winfield, Beatrice Pearl | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I306617 |
1410 |
Wingerfelder, Franciscus | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31469 |
1411 |
Wingfelder, Francisus | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222083 |
1412 |
Winter, Monica | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I30095 |
1413 |
Wintermeyer, Leo Jacob | 26 Apr 1965 | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I185760 |
1414 |
Wintermeyer, Ronald Leo | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I349113 |
1415 |
Wissler, Magdalena | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I278219 |
1416 |
Wissler, Mary A. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69814 |
1417 |
Wolpert, Maria Theresia "Theresia" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I45999 |
1418 |
Woods, Spencer Michael | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222084 |
1419 |
Wright, Helen Marie | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222087 |
1420 |
Wurstlein, Masbara "Barbara" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31240 |
1421 |
Yacht, John Edward | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I294099 |
1422 |
Yacht, Mary Madelene | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I95871 |
1423 |
Yacht, Philip | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I53178 |
1424 |
Yaeck, Catherine | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I94000 |
1425 |
Yantz, Henry | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69650 |
1426 |
Yantz, Joseph P. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69652 |
1427 |
Yantz, Leo Walter | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222092 |
1428 |
Yantz, Lincoln Henry | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I108179 |
1429 |
Yantz, Mabel L. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222096 |
1430 |
Yantz, Marie Olivia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I284304 |
1431 |
Zachmann, Augusta | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I26861 |
1432 |
Zenger, Frederick W. "Fred" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I199832 |
1433 |
Zettel, Alexander A. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69103 |
1434 |
Zettel, Anna | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I84981 |
1435 |
Zettel, Anthony "Anton" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69101 |
1436 |
Zettel, Anthony Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I294054 |
1437 |
Zettel, Bertha Louisa | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I166882 |
1438 |
Zettel, Clara Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I164788 |
1439 |
Zettel, Edith Magdalena | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I85291 |
1440 |
Zettel, Edythe Magdalina "Ida" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222170 |
1441 |
Zettel, Francis Xavier "Frank" "Xaver" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I53182 |
1442 |
Zettel, George | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I32311 |
1443 |
Zettel, Gerald Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I155868 |
1444 |
Zettel, Helen | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I140964 |
1445 |
Zettel, Herman | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I166887 |
1446 |
Zettel, John Clement | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I1039 |
1447 |
Zettel, Laura Catherine | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I294058 |
1448 |
Zettel, Lawrence | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I105988 |
1449 |
Zettel, Lukas "Lucas" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I31367 |
1450 |
Zettel, Marcella Elizabeth | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I294059 |
1451 |
Zettel, Matthew | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222167 |
1452 |
Zettel, Phyllis Ann | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I132010 |
1453 |
Zettel, Sylvester | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I294053 |
1454 |
Zettel, Theresia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I29981 |
1455 |
Zettel, Theresia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69002 |
1456 |
Zettler, Alexander Leo | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I172826 |
1457 |
Zettwuch, Johanna Jean | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I143232 |
1458 |
Ziegler, Edward | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I185169 |
1459 |
Ziegler, Sharon Anne | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I221756 |
1460 |
Ziegler, Victoria Lynne | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222234 |
1461 |
Zimmer, Johanna K. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I68922 |
1462 |
Zimmerman, Anne | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I112780 |
1463 |
Zimmerman, Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I109951 |
1464 |
Zimmerman, Katherine "Kate" "Katharina" "Catherine" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69345 |
1465 |
Zinger, Albert E. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I140850 |
1466 |
Zinger, Albert Frank John Allen | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293944 |
1467 |
Zinger, Albin Albert | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222241 |
1468 |
Zinger, Alfred Alexander | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I245190 |
1469 |
Zinger, Aloysious "Alois" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I70058 |
1470 |
Zinger, Andrew W. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69368 |
1471 |
Zinger, Anthony Andrew "Doc" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I369768 |
1472 |
Zinger, Barnabas | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222244 |
1473 |
Zinger, Carol Ann | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222245 |
1474 |
Zinger, Caroline | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I84900 |
1475 |
Zinger, Chrysotimus "Christian" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I143231 |
1476 |
Zinger, Clarence John | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222246 |
1477 |
Zinger, Colette | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I155879 |
1478 |
Zinger, Cyril Richard "Pat" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I293904 |
1479 |
Zinger, Debra Irene | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I243241 |
1480 |
Zinger, Edward Joseph "Joseph" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I306418 |
1481 |
Zinger, Euphemia "Fanny" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I275029 |
1482 |
Zinger, Harold Charles | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222248 |
1483 |
Zinger, Helen | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I119464 |
1484 |
Zinger, Ignatius "Ignatz" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I463824 |
1485 |
Zinger, J. Edward | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I90735 |
1486 |
Zinger, Jacob | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I81902 |
1487 |
Zinger, Johanna | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I170606 |
1488 |
Zinger, John S. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I55284 |
1489 |
Zinger, John S. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222261 |
1490 |
Zinger, Joseph | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I68973 |
1491 |
Zinger, Joseph A. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I366352 |
1492 |
Zinger, Joseph S. | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I112217 |
1493 |
Zinger, Linus | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69370 |
1494 |
Zinger, Louis | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I222272 |
1495 |
Zinger, Louise Cecilia | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I69374 |
1496 |
Zinger, Magdalena "Lena" | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I84961 |
1497 |
Zinger, Margaret Colette | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I274444 |
1498 |
Zinger, Markus | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I92686 |
1499 |
Zinger, Mary | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I74676 |
1500 |
Zinger, Mary Ann | | Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, Maryhill, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada | I57094 |
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