Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

, Germany


Tree: Generations

Latitude: 49.2980556, Longitude: 8.9191667

Tree: Test

Latitude: 49.298056, Longitude: 8.919167


Matches 1 to 100 of 20453

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 ?  1795, Germany I269675
2 ?  1796, Germany I269278
3 ?  1797, Germany I261076
4 ?  1798, Germany I268998
5 ?  1800, Germany I267880
6 ?  1801, Germany I257994
7 ?  1802, Germany I269001
8 ?  1806, Germany I234554
9 ?  1806, Germany I268801
10 ?  1807, Germany I269523
11 ?  1807, Germany I269681
12 Mrs. ?  1809, Germany I128509
13 ?  1809, Germany I234586
14 ?  1810, Germany I268996
15 ?  1810, Germany I269200
16 ?  1811, Germany I269240
17 ?  1812, Germany I269382
18 ?  1814, Germany I270305
19 ?  1816, Germany I235029
20 ?  1816, Germany I268753
21 ?  1816, Germany I269087
22 ?  1817, Germany I235031
23 ?  1818, Germany I269686
24 ?  1819, Germany I234562
25 ?  1819, Germany I235019
26 ?  1820, Germany I268915
27 ?  1820, Germany I269131
28 ?  1821, Germany I269403
29 ?  1823, Germany I269333
30 ?  1823, Germany I269501
31 ?  1824, Germany I234373
32 ?  1824, Germany I269456
33 ?  1825, Germany I269003
34 ?  1825, Germany I269290
35 ?  1825, Germany I269663
36 ?  1825, Germany I269667
37 ?  1826, Germany I270113
38 ?  1827, Germany I260017
39 ?  1828, Germany I266053
40 ?  1828, Germany I269392
41 ?  1830, Germany I234354
42 ?  1830, Germany I268762
43 ?  1830, Germany I269480
44 ?  1832, Germany I268970
45 ?  1832, Germany I269056
46 ?  1832, Germany I269107
47 ?  1832, Germany I269184
48 ?  1833, Germany I268799
49 ?  1833, Germany I269045
50 ?  1833, Germany I269360
51 ?  1833, Germany I269633
52 ?  1834, Germany I269157
53 ?  1834, Germany I270107
54 ?  1835, Germany I269063
55 ?  1835, Germany I269407
56 ?  1836, Germany I269331
57 ?  1837, Germany I269028
58 ?  1839, Germany I269251
59 Mrs. ?  1845, Germany I128690
60 ?  Jun 1845, Germany I223599
61 ?  Jan 1857, Germany I188107
62 ??? B.  1783, Germany I260676
63 ?ine  Apr 1851, Germany I223167
64 A. Maria  23 Dec 1834, Germany I54751
65 Abalinda  1809, Germany I133204
66 Abbe ....  1800, Germany I116725
67 Abby  1798, Germany I27081
68 Abolena  1855, Germany I335902
69 Adalaide  1806, Germany I365875
70 Adele  1844, Germany I336827
71 Adeline  1836, Germany I266073
72 Adeline  1867, Germany I331385
73 Agatha  1816, Germany I120291
74 Agatha  1818, Germany I165025
75 Agatha  1826, Germany I267071
76 Agatha  1838, Germany I278385
77 Agnes  1810, Germany I255738
78 Agnes  1821, Germany I270130
79 Agnes  6 Aug 1833, Germany I54012
80 Agnes  1834, Germany I335866
81 Agnes  1835, Germany I137638
82 Agnes  1840, Germany I428441
83 Agnes  1845, Germany I280269
84 Agnes  6 May 1873, Germany I86700
85 Agusta  1849, Germany I310137
86 Agusta  Nov 1865, Germany I225161
87 Albartina L.  28 Jun 1837, Germany I71732
88 Albertin  1817, Germany I389217
89 Albertina  1836, Germany I336306
90 Albertine  1802, Germany I266028
91 Albertine  1838, Germany I87806
92 Alena  1825, Germany I410506
93 Alse  Apr 1886, Germany I158123
94 Alvina  1830, Germany I325478
95 Alvina  10 Aug 1831, Germany I36278
96 Amalia  1794, Germany I52377
97 Amalia  1824, Germany I107290
98 Amalia  1824, Germany I263353
99 Amalia  1827, Germany I120235
100 Amalia  1829, Germany I218452

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Matches 1 to 100 of 101

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Anne Katherine  1835, Germany I36241
2 Adler, Carl  , Germany I227741
3 Ahrens, Jacob Henry  1836, Germany I90181
4 Aldred, George Douglas  27 Oct 1945, Germany I40841
5 Arndt, Carl  Bef 1891, Germany I150562
6 Bauer, Albert  , Germany I357469
7 Becker, Amalie Elizabeth  2 Aug 1826, Germany I91896
8 Block, Flying Officer Dalton Irvon  17 Aug 1944, Germany I82324
9 Chafer, Margaret  , Germany I82451
10 Damm  , Germany I120279
11 Davis, Corporal Leslie Ray  24 Apr 1945, Germany I151404
12 Doerr, Johann Jacob  , Germany I176840
13 Doll, Sophia  , Germany I224165
14 Eppich, Johann Michael "Michael"  , Germany I108659
15 Etmaler?, Catharina  , Germany I148054
16 Gartung, Heinrich Anton  , Germany I140525
17 Geiger, Johann Adam  1853, Germany I154254
18 Giessler, Caroline  , Germany I55704
19 Gilmar, Leslie Kenneth  19 Jan 1944, Germany I123907
20 Guenther, Regina  1829, Germany I25285
21 Gunzel, Carl Frederick  28 Jun 1852, Germany I87256
22 Hall, Flying Officer Clifford Wesley  23 Feb 1945, Germany I136460
23 Haun, Dorothea Elisabeth  10 Apr 1835, Germany I171514
24 Hergott, Pilot Officer ( Air Gnr. ) Gerard Albert "Jerry"  31 Mar 1944, Germany I148028
25 Hergott, John Mathew  16 Apr 1945, Germany I204539
26 Hollinger, Samuel  1831, Germany I156650
27 Hornung, Louise  1891, Germany I189141
28 Ineson, Allan Clifford  2 Nov 1944, Germany I157837
29 Johnson, James Vernon  27 Feb 1945, Germany I439529
30 Kaiser, Maria Antoinette  1934, Germany I126294
31 Kavelman, Carl Ludwig Christian  1874, Germany I75862
32 Kienappel, John  , Germany I48116
33 Killer, Johannes  Abt 1824, Germany I94700
34 Koch, Friedrich William  , Germany I10715
35 Koerber, Elizabeth  1838, Germany I154256
36 Lautenschlager, Adam  24 Sep 1874, Germany I114484
37 Lotzmann, Guenter  2 May 2024, Germany I488535
38 Lucas, Johannes "John"  CA 1851, Germany I123860
39 Lueck, Gustave  , Germany I372842
40 Martens, Susanna  1941, Germany I480976
41 Matzenbacher, Johann Nicolaus "Nicholas"  Bef 1851, Germany I375602
42 Maziarz, Private Joseph Adam  28 Feb 1945, Germany I143923
43 McCutcheon, Lieut. Hugh John  28 Feb 1945, Germany I128984
44 Meese, Josepha  , Germany I164653
45 Moss, William Victor  15 Mar 1944, Germany I433051
46 Muehling, Frederick  , Germany I272927
47 Mueller, Ernestine  CA 1844, Germany I7140
48 Murphy, Sergeant Leroy Francis Joseph  18 Apr 1945, Germany I240267
49 Mylius, Johann George  1893, Germany I189140
50 Papenberg, Catharina Maria Henriette  , Germany I140530
51 Peters, Jakob  1949, Germany I204304
52 Pokrywfka, Paul  24 Feb 1945, Germany I146603
53 Polzin, Captain Carl Joseph  7 Mar 1945, Germany I160051
54 Potter, George Arthur  24 Feb 1945, Germany I143336
55 Pruemner, Anna Catherina "Catharina"  , Germany I108660
56 Raines, Private George Thomas  24 Oct 1918, Germany I139810
57 Rappolt, Louis  1867, Germany I488958
58 Reiner, Christian  Aft 1853, Germany I51946
59 Rhode, Otto  1967, Germany I451438
60 Roesen, Agnes Niegen  1657, Germany I232671
61 Rohde, Magdalena Sophia Friederika  , Germany I112376
62 Rummel, Maria Magdalena Dorothea  , Germany I34971
63 Sattler, Konrad "Conrad"  , Germany I34628
64 Schaefer, Elizabeth  Bef 1911, Germany I22138
65 Schmaltz, George  , Germany I148053
66 Schmiechen, Ute  4 May 2024, Germany I488536
67 Schneider, Philipp  234, Germany I91690
68 Schneider, Philipp  20 Feb 1792, Germany I92354
69 Schreiter, Gustav Julius "Julius"  , Germany I70034
70 Schultz, Fredericka  , Germany I48117
71 Schumacher, Arnold Dedenborn  1655, Germany I232665
72 Schumacker, Agnes  , Germany I232659
73 Shafer, Catharina  , Germany I92358
74 Shantz, F/O Frederick Weber  25 Mar 1945, Germany I159006
75 Short, William Edward  7 Mar 1945, Germany I438886
76 Siegner, Johannes  , Germany I120862
77 Stiefelmeyer, Private John Henry "Jackie"  27 Feb 1945, Germany I126303
78 Stoehr, Maria Anna  , Germany I31435
79 Stuebing, Friedrick Wilhelm  CA 1844, Germany I4579
80 Talaska, Tecla  , Germany I137743
81 Tehsmer, Willi  1948, Germany I176476
82 Thomson, Lieut. George Ratchford  20 Feb 1945, Germany I341913
83 Toman, Private Burkle  24 Feb 1923, Germany I127486
84 Trautman, Charlotte  CA 1832, Germany I8218
85 Trojanowski, Rudolph  , Germany I137513
86 Umbach, Private Roy Clayton  14 Sep 1918, Germany I224205
87 Vallance, Robert Peter  , Germany I453431
88 Wagner, John  , Germany I82453
89 Warnholz, Louise Anna  6 Oct 1880, Germany I185526
90 Wegfahrt, Johann George  Abt 1845, Germany I242563
91 Weicker, Flight Sargeant Carl Heinrich  16 Mar 1945, Germany I228662
92 Wick, Marie Sophie "Sophia"  , Germany I489832
93 Wiehl, Christian  , Germany I229537
94 Wilker, Johann Jost  , Germany I154077
95 Willert, Albrecht "Albert"  21 May 1859, Germany I489831
96 Wilson, John Shaw  19 Mar 1945, Germany I439771
97 Winklemaier, Michael  1971, Germany I232215
98 Wood, Corporal Murray Emery  3 Mar 1945, Germany I154004
99 Zimmer, Catharine  , Germany I171793
100 Zimmer, Maria Elisabetha Katharina  1822, Germany I159822

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Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 Blank, Test  , Germany I24134
2 Bretz, Jacob  , Germany I451487
3 Johnson, James Vernon  , Germany I439529
4 Potter, George Arthur  , Germany I143336
5 Rhode, Otto  , Germany I451438


Matches 1 to 75 of 75

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Adloff, Carl "Charles"  4 Dec 1862, Germany I36188
2 Allgeier, Margaretha  28 Jul 1840, Germany I267
3 Arnold, Margaret  30 Nov 1829, Germany I41579
4 Beaty, Julian  2 Oct 1830, Germany I16713
5 Becker, Jacob  8 Aug 1833, Germany I85933
6 Bender, George Jacob "Jacob"  7 Oct 1836, Germany I40405
7 Blankstein, Sophia  15 Dec 1850, Germany I40778
8 Bobsien, Wilhelmine Sophia Karoline "Minnie"  , Germany I409199
9 Bock, David  , Germany I15973
10 Boehmer, Maria Katharina "Catharina"  24 Jan 1799, Germany I90990
11 Bossenberger, Amanda  , Germany I59577
12 Bucholtz, Maria "Mary"  , Germany I84117
13 Cluthe, Mary  28 Dec 1853, Germany I31201
14 Cress, Magdalena  , Germany I25016
15 Cress, Magdalena  , Germany I25016
16 Fowler, James  , Germany I48899
17 George, George  12 Apr 1822, Germany I34155
18 Gest, Antonia  8 Mar 1840, Germany I43978
19 Glass, Carline "Caroline"  , Germany I131762
20 Grahm, Henry  , Germany I174743
21 Grobe, Hannah  , Germany I28390
22 Haffner, Louise Christena  , Germany I104103
23 Hamel, Katheryn E. "Catherine"  , Germany I43068
24 Happel, Elizabeth  8 May 1825, Germany I82900
25 Happel, Katherine "Kate" Katherina  , Germany I37588
26 Henzel, Charlotte  CALC 29 Dec 1846, Germany I26271
27 Heyman, August  2 Aug 1848, Germany I412089
28 Hohenstein, Fredericka  1852, Germany I52206
29 Kenesky, Emil Otto "Pops"  , Germany I113391
30 Klie, Henry August  , Germany I94451
31 Koechler, Catherine  14 Mar 1827, Germany I40938
32 Kress, Mary  , Germany I236804
33 Kutt, William  , Germany I43711
34 Lackner, Frederick Gustavus  25 Jan 1835, Germany I49700
35 Lackner, John  , Germany I3942
36 Lambertus, Katharine "Catherine  24 Aug 1831, Germany I38281
37 Maier, Elizabeth  26 May 1827, Germany I114006
38 Martin, George  , Germany I33031
39 Martin, Josephine  , Germany I30799
40 Michel, Elizabeth  , Germany I56455
41 Miller, Gustav  10 Jun 1885, Germany I38559
42 Miller, Peter B.  15 Jul 1815, Germany I114311
43 Mueller, Abel  , Germany I58994
44 Mueller, Maria Catharina "Mary Catherine"  , Germany I235479
45 Pasenow, Hanna Fridericka Sophia "Sophia"  30 Nov 1828, Germany I35320
46 Patterson, Rosanna "Rosina" "Sena"  20 Aug 1852, Germany I328630
47 Pfeifer, Anna Eva  , Germany I57652
48 Pfeiffer, Philip  , Germany I350483
49 Ratz, Valentine  CALC 19 Aug 1798, Germany I43182
50 Rudolph, Angeline  , Germany I20287
51 Saddler, Wilhelm Daniel "William"  , Germany I25735
52 Schaefer, Jacob  , Germany I104151
53 Schieck, Leonora Catharine  19 Feb 1839, Germany I55640
54 Schmidt, Elizabeth  , Germany I86138
55 Schmitt, Paul  29 Nov 1808, Germany I42537
56 Schnarr, Maria  , Germany I31657
57 Schneider, John  CALC 18 May 1823, Germany I233536
58 Schneider, Wilhelmina  3 Apr 1835, Germany I36295
59 Schultz, Gottfried  15 Apr 1827, Germany I77192
60 Schultz, John  15 Oct 1839, Germany I179924
61 Steinberg, Joseph  , Germany I332073
62 Theurer, Daniel  16 Feb 1830, Germany I352905
63 Ulrich, Friederich "Frederick"  9 Sep 1832, Germany I39078
64 Wagner, Johannes "John"  5 Jan 1831, Germany I149628
65 Wakeford, Alfred  , Germany I114050
66 Weismiller, Dorothea  23 Apr 1789, Germany I95817
67 Weismueller, John  15 Jul 1831, Germany I52140
68 Werth, Rev. Jacob  19 Mar 1812, Germany I118392
69 Westfall, Carolina  30 Jul 1836, Germany I97684
70 Winter, Monica  3 May 1817, Germany I30095
71 Wismer, Daniel M.  , Germany I4829
72 Woida, Annie  29 Sep 1852, Germany I179925
73 Wolf, Annie W.  , Germany I89753
74 Zettel, Peter  30 Jan 1821, Germany I91240
75 Zoellner, Anna Marie  24 Nov 1850, Germany I68580


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Immigration    Person ID 
1 Bertha  1883, Germany I29029
2 Catherine  1885, Germany I95605
3 Johanna  1901, Germany I28816
4 Kadlina  1893, Germany I28912
5 Margaret S.  1853, Germany I95584
6 Mary  1832+, Germany I28953
7 Mary  1828, Germany I95619
8 Mary  1847, Germany I95441
9 Mary  1893, Germany I28869
10 Messershmit  1896, Germany I94381
11 Monica  1901, Germany I29188
12 Sophia  1870, Germany I29059
13 Theresa  1846, Germany I95636
14 Veronica  1852, Germany I95425
15 Abel, George  1885, Germany I302609
16 Androwski, Anthony  1872, Germany I95424
17 Arndt, Augusta Frederika  1864, Germany I28692
18 Badke, August Ferdinand "Ferdinand" "Fern"  1864, Germany I95449
19 Baetz, Adam  1878, Germany I94462
20 Benz, Emanuel  1893, Germany I183681
21 Bernhardt, John  1871, Germany I29256
22 Besserer, Catherine "Kathy"  1886, Germany I95662
23 Besserer, Jacob  1886, Germany I95659
24 Besserer, Johann Michael "John"  1885, Germany I95657
25 Besserer, William  1886, Germany I95660
26 Bierwagen, Ida Emilie  1880, Germany I331067
27 Bionofski, Bernard  1875, Germany I28787
28 Bittorf, Elizabeth "Lizzie"  1852, Germany I137851
29 Bleiler, Elizabeth "Lizzie"  1845, Germany I94407
30 Bluhm, Ferdinand  1871, Germany I28889
31 Borch, Henry  1872, Germany I309237
32 Borowski, Wilhelmine  1889, Germany I471722
33 Bortz, Christian Wilhelm Frederick "Fred"  1866, Germany I28848
34 Breithopf, Rev. Franciskus "Francis"  1860, Germany I93275
35 Brzykey, John  1900, Germany I93617
36 Bucher, Elizabetha  1864, Germany I95463
37 Bueche, Fidel  1873, Germany I29187
38 Christman, Philip  1846, Germany I26142
39 Daum, Maria "Mary"  1881, Germany I331136
40 Dietrich, Mary  , Germany I28715
41 Doering, Marion  1871, Germany I29257
42 Draeger, Ernestine  1884, Germany I28800
43 Eberle, Carl G. "Charles"  1911, Germany I298918
44 Engel, Charles  1872, Germany I29179
45 Fischer, Conrad B.  1853, Germany I29274
46 Foell, Louise  1857, Germany I138123
47 Frost, Louise A.  1872, Germany I182344
48 Ghzesiezek, Stanislaus  1895, Germany I93615
49 Giloth, George  1891, Germany I92359
50 Glebe, Adam  1858, Germany I29203
51 Goetz, Flora  1887, Germany I28786
52 Grestr, Elizabeth  1834, Germany I94859
53 Hauert, Wilhelmina Karoline "Caroline"  1886, Germany I95658
54 Hearth, Henrietta Bertha Wilhelmine  1856, Germany I29170
55 Heimrich, Stephen  1856, Germany I28650
56 Heins, Peter Jacob  1851, Germany I8669
57 Hergenroeder, Bertha  1878, Germany I29243
58 Herman, Frank  1873, Germany I94384
59 Heyd, Jacob  1863, Germany I95417
60 Hils, Carl  1900, Germany I93347
61 Hintz, Caroline  1872, Germany I182374
62 Hintz, Herman Frederick  1872, Germany I137580
63 Hintz, Johann "John"  1872, Germany I29292
64 Hintz, Joseph  1872, Germany I28732
65 Hintz, Rudolph Theodore  1872, Germany I137579
66 Janzen, Mayor Henry Louis  1852, Germany I29269
67 Jehle, Michael  1857, Germany I138122
68 Kalb, John  1852, Germany I76542
69 Kaminski, Frederick  1880, Germany I28853
70 Kling, Ernestina "Tina"  1851, Germany I28890
71 Knechtel, Michael  1854, Germany I401473
72 Koppe, Eliza M.  1853, Germany I184788
73 Krauth, Elizabeth  1880, Germany I95073
74 Kuhn, Frederick William  1871, Germany I444777
75 Lang, Caroline  , Germany I182548
76 Lehman, Charles R.  1886, Germany I93301
77 Liobina, Mary  1891, Germany I93895
78 Lorentz, Clara  1881, Germany I94382
79 Ludwig, Karl "Charles" "Carl  1855, Germany I28742
80 Nerina, Mary  1894, Germany I93939
81 Noecker, Emma  1857, Germany I29066
82 Noecker, Gottfried Ferdinand "Ferdinand"  1857, Germany I29064
83 Noll, John Henry  1875, Germany I28689
84 Oberholz, John  1900, Germany I93342
85 Ottosna, Mary  1894, Germany I93896
86 Paepcke, Henry F.  1890, Germany I28769
87 Peppler, George  1841, Germany I113262
88 Petz, Michael  1897, Germany I92420
89 Pieczarek, Theodore  1889, Germany I93284
90 Pieczynski, Frank  1900, Germany I93334
91 Plomske, Anna Elizabeth  1872, Germany I331076
92 Plomske, Wilhelm "William"  1872, Germany I182343
93 Polomskie, Elizabeth  1874, Germany I29004
94 Post, Paulina  1880, Germany I94634
95 Reck, Frederick  1857, Germany I139056
96 Reiner, Christian  1854, Germany I51946
97 Reitz, Conrad  1861, Germany I29158
98 Renkert, Maria "Mary"  1875, Germany I28690
99 Rentschler, Frederick  1881, Germany I28719
100 Rentschler, Paulina  1883, Germany I28721

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Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military    Person ID 
1 Aschauer, John  1915, Germany I69459
2 Duerrstein, Robert Rudolf  , Germany I148554


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Misfortune    Person ID 
1 Hall, Flying Officer Clifford Wesley  1945, Germany I136460
2 Miller, Allan Bernard  1945, Germany I45575


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Nationality    Person ID 
1 Ada  , Germany I315520
2 Adam  , Germany I179483
3 Agusta  , Germany I310137
4 Amelia  , Germany I321807
5 Anna  , Germany I298462
6 Anna  , Germany I304873
7 Anna  , Germany I321446
8 Anna Mary  , Germany I309717
9 Annie  , Germany I307201
10 Annie  , Germany I309571
11 Annie  , Germany I310020
12 Annie  , Germany I315618
13 Augusta  , Germany I297455
14 Augusta  , Germany I309791
15 Barbara  , Germany I309043
16 Bertha  , Germany I319732
17 Caroline  , Germany I297219
18 Catherine  , Germany I302494
19 Catherine  , Germany I316623
20 Charlotte  , Germany I307181
21 Christine  , Germany I98807
22 Dorthy  , Germany I309257
23 Elora  , Germany I299719
24 Emma  , Germany I308371
25 Freda  , Germany I315999
26 Hedwig  , Germany I307352
27 Hilda (?)  , Germany I310104
28 Jane  , Germany I182445
29 Jesine  , Germany I302786
30 Josephin  , Germany I315585
31 Justine  , Germany I323543
32 Kate  , Germany I324579
33 Katrine  , Germany I307286
34 Lena  , Germany I310140
35 Louiga  , Germany I297122
36 Louisa  , Germany I323590
37 Louise  , Germany I317010
38 Louise  , Germany I324553
39 Lovina  , Germany I296914
40 Magdalene  , Germany I324783
41 Marcella  , Germany I298716
42 Margaret  , Germany I323651
43 Margarete  , Germany I309316
44 Maria  , Germany I297874
45 Martha  , Germany I302783
46 Mary  , Germany I302610
47 Mary  , Germany I302628
48 Mary  , Germany I306010
49 Mary  , Germany I315966
50 Ottile  , Germany I319757
51 Rosy  , Germany I314948
52 Sophia  , Germany I309274
53 Susana  , Germany I308088
54 Abel, George  , Germany I302609
55 Ahrens, Wilhelmina Frederica Dorthea "Minnie"  , Germany I45500
56 Aigner, Mary  , Germany I306011
57 Aigner, Max  , Germany I306009
58 Arndt, Wilhelm C. "William"  , Germany I330706
59 Badke, August Ferdinand "Ferdinand" "Fern"  , Germany I95449
60 Banke, Augusta  , Germany I98157
61 Becker, Mary  , Germany I293677
62 Bender, Johann Peter "John Peter"  , Germany I40399
63 Benz, Emanuel  , Germany I183681
64 Bickert, Anna Margarat "Margaret" "Maggie  , Germany I323475
65 Bielicki, Rosalia "Rose"  , Germany I184326
66 Boettger, Ernst Otto "Otto"  , Germany I178957
67 Borch, Henry  , Germany I309237
68 Bortz, Christian Wilhelm Frederick "Fred"  , Germany I28848
69 Brankopki (?), Henrietta  , Germany I297215
70 Brant, Otto  , Germany I297454
71 Brant, Walter  , Germany I297456
72 Brederek, Friedrich Wilhelm Carl "Carl" "Karl"  , Germany I316704
73 Breneman, Henry  , Germany I310103
74 Bucher, Anna Catharine  , Germany I10250
75 Bucholtz, Carolina  , Germany I45986
76 Burghardt, Gerhard  , Germany I324578
77 Chessintake (?), Charles  , Germany I310139
78 Dargel, Carl William "Charles"  , Germany I342211
79 Daum, Anna Catharine  , Germany I54151
80 Dedekind, Maria D. "Mary"  , Germany I51798
81 Dreher, Gottleib  , Germany I320985
82 Eberle, Carl G. "Charles"  , Germany I298918
83 Echert, Anthony  , Germany I313088
84 Eckert, Frederick  , Germany I184119
85 Egerdie, John Theodore  , Germany I52040
86 Ertel, Herman  , Germany I293679
87 Euler, Heinrich "Henry"  , Germany I54150
88 Fellbaum, Gertrude Marie "Gertie"  , Germany I97697
89 Fengar (?), Augusta  , Germany I321805
90 Fetter, John  , Germany I182434
91 Fiege, Caroline  , Germany I184120
92 Fietsch, Sargeant Alfonso "Alfons"  , Germany I49520
93 Fisher, Sebastine  , Germany I308165
94 Foerster, Stephen  , Germany I293674
95 Fritz, Ferdinand  , Germany I56501
96 Fuhrman, Alice H.  , Germany I321328
97 Gaetz, Julius  , Germany I315494
98 Gebhardt, Christian B.  , Germany I42114
99 Geisel, Herman J.  , Germany I51433
100 Gistial (?), Morris  , Germany I309716

1 2 3 Next»


Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID 
1 Ball, Nicholas  1851, Germany I29483
2 Carpenter, Henry  1851, Germany I27697
3 Fischer, Herman  , Germany I170357
4 Goebel, John Nicholas  1861, Germany I82369
5 Hahn, Johann "John"  Bef 1853, Germany I113693
6 Hoffarth, Conrad  1852, Germany I237123
7 Jauch, Hans  1954, Germany I220955
8 Kliphardt, Rev. John J.  1877, Germany I136539
9 Picken, John  1861, Germany I252839
10 Reichert, Arthur Y.  1891, Germany I157187
11 Wieand, William  1873, Germany I448929


Matches 1 to 20 of 20

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 M.  1861, Germany I154880
2 Armstrong, Eunice  1889, Germany I159421
3 Baumchen, Johanna  1891, Germany I71302
4 Blank, Test  , Germany I24134
5 Colse, Elizabeth  1891, Germany I348346
6 Eby, Benjamin M.  1891, Germany I21612
7 Fischer, Mariah  1861, Germany I412939
8 Frizer, Eulina  1867, Germany I139717
9 Gaisel, Henry  1867, Germany I139552
10 Heller, Rudolph  , Germany I190742
11 Hodgson, Irene  1911, Germany I225547
12 Lautenschlager, William  1962, Germany I405924
13 Maire, Catharine  1881, Germany I137948
14 Schuerer, Helena  1861, Germany I426035
15 Schultz, William  , Germany I358295
16 Shaw, Joseph Hepworth  , Germany I175179
17 Snyder, Noah  1891, Germany I389637
18 Sources, Blank News  , Germany I98875
19 Thuroo, Olena  1962, Germany I405923
20 Walker, Andrew  1911, Germany I224869


Matches 1 to 24 of 24

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Bartels / Schlueter  16 Jul 1869, Germany F9797
2 Bent / Detterra  , Germany F63063
3 Bergmann / Exner  1897, Germany F185635
4 Bivour / Dormann  1847, Germany F27781
5 Boldt / Hackbart  1851, Germany F34583
6 Bristol / Haas  1841, Germany F34210
7 Censner / Dobszanski  Aug 1898, Germany F240127
8 Damman / Johannes  1887, Germany F9679
9 Dermul / Engel  1883, Germany F10986
10 Fuja /   Jul 1904, Germany F61945
11 Greve / Henning  2 Nov 1827, Germany F6448
12 Huether / Miller  , Germany F29822
13 Klie / Hallman  , Germany F27002
14 Kurt / Speck  22 Nov 1904, Germany F238081
15 Moser / Bender  25 May 1781, Germany F23749
16 Muenzinger / Schassberger  , Germany F32172
17 Nispel / Sartorius  24 Nov 1825, Germany F251571
18 O'Krafka / Wagner  17 Feb 1885, Germany F223536
19 Oberer / Hitzel  1 Nov 1836, Germany F15527
20 Ohman / Krampien  1846, Germany F300231
21 Schaefer / Conrad  , Germany F43447
22 Schelter / Herald  Abt 1845, Germany F13397
23 Schuh /   , Germany F229544
24 Sieling /   , Germany F30582