Tree: Generations
Latitude: 42.7680253, Longitude: 12.4919814
BirthMatches 1 to 100 of 154 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
? | May 1878 | , Italy | I210847 |
2 |
Angelina | 1886 | , Italy | I320090 |
3 |
Caroline | 1842 | , Italy | I284023 |
4 |
Caroline | 5 Aug 1843 | , Italy | I77316 |
5 |
Caroline | 14 Mar 1873 | , Italy | I32022 |
6 |
Comilla | 1870 | , Italy | I321625 |
7 |
Corline | Aug 1842 | , Italy | I214781 |
8 |
Gilda | 1925 | , Italy | I147829 |
9 |
Jennie | 1894 | , Italy | I320140 |
10 |
Joanna | Apr 1881 | , Italy | I183655 |
11 |
Lena | 1896 | , Italy | I309924 |
12 |
Matilda | 1848 | , Italy | I121199 |
13 |
Neofa | 1884 | , Italy | I320125 |
14 |
Violeti | 1900 | , Italy | I320559 |
15 |
Agrossite, Vincenzina "Zoe" | 1924 | , Italy | I385958 |
16 |
An?lli, Bernard | Apr 1886 | , Italy | I209619 |
17 |
Anerlit, Julian | Nov 1882 | , Italy | I209618 |
18 |
Augusta, Tony | 1886 | , Italy | I308194 |
19 |
Baatini, Antonio | 1858 | , Italy | I126378 |
20 |
Barbaylia, Charles | May 1862 | , Italy | I187607 |
21 |
Bola, Matilda | 12 Jul 1849 | , Italy | I77763 |
22 |
Bolini, Charles | 1841 | , Italy | I284022 |
23 |
Bolini, Lena | 1869 | , Italy | I120998 |
24 |
Bolini, Lena | 23 Feb 1870 | , Italy | I38366 |
25 |
Bollini, Carlo "Charles" | 1841 | , Italy | I38367 |
26 |
Bollnia(?), Charles | 13 Apr 1841 | , Italy | I77314 |
27 |
Bolzon, Demitrius | 1900 | , Italy | I474780 |
28 |
Bonfanti, Charles | 13 Sep 1850 | , Italy | I77367 |
29 |
Bonfanti, Paul | 1840 | , Italy | I120909 |
30 |
Boone, Reca | Feb 1887 | , Italy | I206492 |
31 |
Botani, Caroline | 1843 | , Italy | I41241 |
32 |
Bottone, Assunta | 13 Aug 1937 | , Italy | I229892 |
33 |
Bregandi, Louis | 1854 | , Italy | I126376 |
34 |
Calarca, Rose | Oct 1880 | , Italy | I186962 |
35 |
Calarco, Perry | 1889 | , Italy | I320461 |
36 |
Calarco, R. | 1879 | , Italy | I321550 |
37 |
Calarco, Rosario | 1878 | , Italy | I467371 |
38 |
Calarco, Vincent | 1887 | , Italy | I110147 |
39 |
Cantel, Bruno | 1894 | , Italy | I157073 |
40 |
Canzi, Carlo Alessandro Brunone "Alexander" | 15 Aug 1845 | , Italy | I67733 |
41 |
Carretta, Rocco | 1896 | , Italy | I381194 |
42 |
Carrozza, Francesco | Apr 1874 | , Italy | I195608 |
43 |
Castoreno, Chester | 1886 | , Italy | I320050 |
44 |
Cereri, Eroli | 1843 | , Italy | I284097 |
45 |
Cherei, Jim | Jun 1881 | , Italy | I210968 |
46 |
Cherri, Domenic | 9 Apr 1906 | , Italy | I193977 |
47 |
Cherrie, Ben | Sep 1882 | , Italy | I210965 |
48 |
Chevalo, Andre | Mar 1884 | , Italy | I209615 |
49 |
Chevalo, Rock | Oct 1885 | , Italy | I209613 |
50 |
Ciceri, Ercoli | 18 Oct 1844 | , Italy | I45212 |
51 |
Clifton, John Grover | 1869 | , Italy | I460951 |
52 |
Colombo, Anthony | 1840 | , Italy | I218832 |
53 |
Courtsy, Lomany | Aug 1861 | , Italy | I184208 |
54 |
Courtsy, Ralph | Sep 1895 | , Italy | I184210 |
55 |
Cozzo (?), Mary | 1913 | , Italy | I321627 |
56 |
D'Asti, Annunziata | Between 1882 and 1883 | , Italy | I470525 |
57 |
D'Asti, Anthony | Between 1888 and 1889 | , Italy | I470522 |
58 |
Domenic, Tamborine | Jul 1887 | , Italy | I183266 |
59 |
Embro, Virginia | 1903 | , Italy | I321624 |
60 |
Falcon, Anthony Thomas | 28 Oct 1879 | , Italy | I218650 |
61 |
Falsetto, Angeline Mary | 9 Dec 1909 | , Italy | I193980 |
62 |
Fazzari, Fred | 1897 | , Italy | I320558 |
63 |
Ferraro, Mary Grace | 1876 | , Italy | I309919 |
64 |
Fiola, Adele | | , Italy | I232940 |
65 |
Forte, Vincenzo | Mar 1891 | , Italy | I187540 |
66 |
Fragalla, Angelina | 1895 | , Italy | I473729 |
67 |
Frank, Louis | Aug 1878 | , Italy | I210969 |
68 |
Ganci, Joan | 1912 | , Italy | I478711 |
69 |
Ganci, Sarah | 1920 | , Italy | I478712 |
70 |
Garibaldi, Giovannie Battista "John Baptist" | 27 Mar 1843 | , Italy | I46868 |
71 |
Geofreda, Frencesco "Frank" | 1889 | , Italy | I381374 |
72 |
Giorgio, Concetta | 12 Mar 1901 | , Italy | I381293 |
73 |
Gorgia, Choncetta | 1901 | , Italy | I421461 |
74 |
Graziotto, Fortunata Maria | 1902 | , Italy | I474783 |
75 |
Greguol, Oreste | CA 1900 | , Italy | I188610 |
76 |
Guarino, Andgelina | 1871 | , Italy | I463747 |
77 |
Guilsani, Pietro | 1854 | , Italy | I126377 |
78 |
Guisso, Louis | 9 Jul 1868 | , Italy | I434618 |
79 |
Gurzi, Charles | 1895 | , Italy | I309923 |
80 |
Gurzi, Dominick | 1857 | , Italy | I309918 |
81 |
Gurzi, Frank | 1903 | , Italy | I309920 |
82 |
Gurzi, Henry | 1893 | , Italy | I27808 |
83 |
Gurzi, Maria Lucia | 1897 | , Italy | I467372 |
84 |
Gurzi, Raese | 1892 | , Italy | I309907 |
85 |
Habacher, Andreas | 1829 | , Italy | I398280 |
86 |
Incitti, Guido | 1925 | , Italy | I417176 |
87 |
Insalaco, Gaetano | 26 Feb 1912 | , Italy | I381486 |
88 |
Kourtane, Carl | Oct 1875 | , Italy | I209616 |
89 |
Latorte, August | 16 Mar 1876 | , Italy | I60957 |
90 |
Lissgi, Lislva | May 1876 | , Italy | I183644 |
91 |
Lo Raso, Francesco | 1918 | , Italy | I158454 |
92 |
Longo, Cellia | 18 Mar 1878 | , Italy | I32021 |
93 |
Longo, Laborio | Jul 1891 | , Italy | I187329 |
94 |
Longo, Len | 1 Jun 1873 | , Italy | I32020 |
95 |
Lunghi, Umberto | 1908 | , Italy | I420975 |
96 |
Maio, Franch | 26 Aug 1912 | , Italy | I449892 |
97 |
Maroni (?), Jacob | 1848 | , Italy | I283701 |
98 |
Marrale, John | | , Italy | I489726 |
99 |
Martello, Maria Letitia | Between 1904 and 1905 | , Italy | I469130 |
100 |
Martello, Pompilis | CA 1874 | , Italy | I469133 |
1 2 Next»
DiedMatches 1 to 22 of 22
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
1 |
Alvarez, Chelsea | 1 Jan 2017 | , Italy | I147616 |
2 |
Aust, Private Richard | 2 Dec 1944 | , Italy | I175899 |
3 |
Collins, George | 1940 | , Italy | I25556 |
4 |
Dahmer, Private John Wesley | 24 May 1944 | , Italy | I157707 |
5 |
Dahmer, Private Russell George | 26 May 1944 | , Italy | I157708 |
6 |
Dickson, Sergeant Robert James | 20 Dec 1944 | , Italy | I52905 |
7 |
Ditner, Sargeant Hubert Laurence | 5 Jan 1945 | , Italy | I151159 |
8 |
Gibson, Signal Man Alexander | 15 Sep 1943 | , Italy | I157801 |
9 |
Haller, Private Harold William | 8 Jun 1944 | , Italy | I157806 |
10 |
Haller, Sonny | 8 Jun 1944 | , Italy | I140744 |
11 |
Heathfield, Sergeant Gordon Basil | 24 Sep 1944 | , Italy | I157825 |
12 |
Loker, Private Vincent Earl | 21 Apr 1944 | , Italy | I157136 |
13 |
Losch, Private Roy Otto | 20 Dec 1944 | , Italy | I225100 |
14 |
McRobb, Corporal John Raymond "Jack" | 26 May 1944 | , Italy | I163843 |
15 |
Mohlman, Private Robert Edward | 28 Aug 1944 | , Italy | I118478 |
16 |
Snyder, Clayton M. | 4 Sep 1944 | , Italy | I86289 |
17 |
Stevens, Harold Wellington | 19 Nov 1944 | , Italy | I130495 |
18 |
Tales, Private Lawrence | 24 Dec 1943 | , Italy | I100678 |
19 |
Thomas, George | 25 Nov 1944 | , Italy | I136625 |
20 |
Tschirhart, Stanley Edmond | 6 Sep 1944 | , Italy | I281554 |
21 |
Wismer, Signalman Laverne Bell "Vern" | 28 Apr 1944 | , Italy | I42287 |
22 |
Yantz, Alfred Henry | 3 Nov 1943 | , Italy | I295650 |
MisfortuneMatches 1 to 3 of 3
NationalityMatches 1 to 14 of 14
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Nationality |
Person ID |
1 |
Angelina | | , Italy | I320090 |
2 |
Comilla | | , Italy | I321625 |
3 |
Margarite | | , Italy | I320500 |
4 |
Augusta, Tony | | , Italy | I308194 |
5 |
Calarco, Perry | | , Italy | I320461 |
6 |
Castoreno, Chester | | , Italy | I320050 |
7 |
Cozzo (?), Mary | | , Italy | I321627 |
8 |
Gurzi, Raese | | , Italy | I309907 |
9 |
Migil, Jack | | , Italy | I309238 |
10 |
Pergliasi, Mario | | , Italy | I316188 |
11 |
Prewick, J. K. C. | | , Italy | I320379 |
12 |
Rondo, James | | , Italy | I323989 |
13 |
Ross, George E. | | , Italy | I307706 |
14 |
Sandri, Angelo | | , Italy | I320499 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 2 of 2