Tree: Generations
Latitude: 56.6807936, Longitude: -4.3282278
BirthMatches 1 to 12 of 12
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Adair, Alexander | 1811 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I161186 |
2 |
Conkey, Alexander | 26 Mar 1828 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I45670 |
3 |
Kingsburgh, Peter | 1821 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I341058 |
4 |
Martin, Andrew | 1845 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I35589 |
5 |
Martin, John | 1809 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I139822 |
6 |
McMillan, Elizabeth Swan | 1806 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I417576 |
7 |
McMillan, James | CALC 8 Oct 1812 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I40569 |
8 |
McNeil, William | 1821 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I74374 |
9 |
McWilliam, William | 1787 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I107633 |
10 |
Murray, Douglas | 1 Sep 1891 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I414221 |
11 |
Murray, John Ramsey | 21 Dec 1816 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I92258 |
12 |
Torrence, Jane | 7 Dec 1843 | , Wigtonshire, Scotland | I72734 |