Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.




Ship Anna Delius 23 Jun 1855
Ship Anna Delius 23 Jun 1855
Ship Anna Delius 23 Jun 1855
Ship Anna Delius 23 Jun 1855
The Ship Anna Delius arrived in the Port of New York 23 Jun 1855
Typical Norwegion Bark
Typical Norwegion Bark
This vessel is a typical Bark. The reason why this ship is called a bark is the way it is rigged. It has three masts, with the foremast and mainmast square rigged and the mizzenmast fore-and-aft rigged. It wasn't unusual for Barks to be re-rigged as Ships or vice-versa. A "bark" rigged vessel, could sail with fewer crew members than the "ship" rigged.

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