Tree: Generations
Latitude: 50.5000000, Longitude: 9.2500000
BirthMatches 1 to 38 of 38
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Angela | 1807 | Hesse, Germany | I220141 |
2 |
Anna | 1795 | Hesse, Germany | I220092 |
3 |
Anna | 1800 | Hesse, Germany | I220134 |
4 |
Barbara | 1820 | Hesse, Germany | I220119 |
5 |
Catherine | 1833 | Hesse, Germany | I220129 |
6 |
Elisabeth | 1834 | Hesse, Germany | I220100 |
7 |
Elizabeth | 1841 | Hesse, Germany | I220030 |
8 |
Mary | 1805 | Hesse, Germany | I220168 |
9 |
Mary | 1810 | Hesse, Germany | I268087 |
10 |
Mary Eve | 1810 | Hesse, Germany | I219690 |
11 |
Brandau, Adam | 1814 | Hesse, Germany | I219088 |
12 |
Brandau, Catherina | 1850 | Hesse, Germany | I219090 |
13 |
Burgmann, Henry | 1832 | Hesse, Germany | I220128 |
14 |
Dahmer, Margaretha | 28 Sep 1838 | Hesse, Germany | I122894 |
15 |
Diebel, Adam | 1833 | Hesse, Germany | I68388 |
16 |
Dietz, Conrad | 1805 | Hesse, Germany | I220167 |
17 |
Fink, Elisa | 1846 | Hesse, Germany | I219342 |
18 |
Hammer, Maria | 1833 | Hesse, Germany | I119074 |
19 |
Hanna, Jacob | 1812 | Hesse, Germany | I220118 |
20 |
Harmer, Adam | 1840 | Hesse, Germany | I220136 |
21 |
Harmer, Conrad | 1805 | Hesse, Germany | I220140 |
22 |
Heimbecker, A. D. | 1845 | Hesse, Germany | I219172 |
23 |
Isley, Andrew | CALC 5 Sep 1811 | Hesse, Germany | I268086 |
24 |
Isley, John | 24 May 1848 | Hesse, Germany | I268088 |
25 |
Kalbfleisch, George | 1844 | Hesse, Germany | I219375 |
26 |
Kalbfleisch, Louisa | 30 Jun 1836 | Hesse, Germany | I68389 |
27 |
Kalbfleisch, Reinhardt Henry | Abt 1835 | Hesse, Germany | I33998 |
28 |
Karges, Joseph Ambrose "Ambrose" | 1816 | Hesse, Germany | I151243 |
29 |
Klaum, Margretha | 1824 | Hesse, Germany | I219398 |
30 |
Kohler, Valentine | 1825 | Hesse, Germany | I220099 |
31 |
Mueller, Johannes "John" | 1817 | Hesse, Germany | I120031 |
32 |
Neb, John | 1833 | Hesse, Germany | I220151 |
33 |
Reihl, Catharina "Anna" | 1824 | Hesse, Germany | I219089 |
34 |
Schafer, Conrad | 1849 | Hesse, Germany | I219920 |
35 |
Schafer, Mathias | 1808 | Hesse, Germany | I219689 |
36 |
Schuhler, Elisa | 1845 | Hesse, Germany | I219669 |
37 |
Schulz, George | 1840 | Hesse, Germany | I220051 |
38 |
Theler, Barbara | 20 Jan 1815 | Hesse, Germany | I151244 |