Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

Holstein, Germany


Tree: Generations

Latitude: 42.4898486, Longitude: -95.5447569


Matches 1 to 33 of 33

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Caroline  1818Holstein, Germany I263375
2 Christina  1818Holstein, Germany I263359
3 Lana  1796Holstein, Germany I259394
4 Magd.  1795Holstein, Germany I263675
5 Babinser, August  1843Holstein, Germany I263362
6 Babinser, Christian  1808Holstein, Germany I263358
7 Babinser, Elisabeth  1845Holstein, Germany I263363
8 Babinser, Frederick  1839Holstein, Germany I263361
9 Babinser, Henry  1837Holstein, Germany I263360
10 Banzleben, Matilda  1884Holstein, Germany I467552
11 Boettger, Claus Ernest Deflef  7 May 1874Holstein, Germany I442878
12 Braustein?, August L.  1818Holstein, Germany I34880
13 Cloor, Catharina  CALC 25 Jun 1805Holstein, Germany I35348
14 Coldsmith, Sophia  1835Holstein, Germany I259567
15 Evers, Conrad F.  CALC 16 Nov 1815Holstein, Germany I240903
16 Goldschmidt, John  1795Holstein, Germany I259069
17 Hauser, Catharine  3 Dec 1833Holstein, Germany I37494
18 Kuntze, Johann Friedrich "Frederick"  1809Holstein, Germany I263771
19 Lehman, Johann  1838Holstein, Germany I35351
20 Lehman, Mary  1842Holstein, Germany I35352
21 Lehmann, George C.  1804Holstein, Germany I35347
22 Luesing, Andrew  1840Holstein, Germany I376258
23 Luesing, Caroline  1836Holstein, Germany I71726
24 Luesing, Henry  1837Holstein, Germany I376257
25 Luesing, Julian  1832Holstein, Germany I376253
26 Luesing, Peter Henry  1794Holstein, Germany I123271
27 Luesing, Valentine  1837Holstein, Germany I296850
28 Muller, Henry  1819Holstein, Germany I35777
29 Sailes, Marie Elisabeth  17 Nov 1835Holstein, Germany I129150
30 Schmidt, Louisa  1 Dec 1810Holstein, Germany I113480
31 Schroeder, Joachim Fritz H.  1877Holstein, Germany I467551
32 Stager?, Christina  1826Holstein, Germany I36013
33 Volkerts, Ignas  1791Holstein, Germany I263664


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Lehman, Charles  1835Holstein, Germany I35350