Tree: Generations
Latitude: 53.4500000, Longitude: 12.0000000
ImmigrationMatches 1 to 1 of 1
OccupationMatches 1 to 1 of 1
ResidenceMatches 1 to 10 of 10
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Residence |
Person ID |
1 |
Frederica | 1871 | Lutheran | I143645 |
2 |
Duench, Carl August | 1921 | Lutheran | I187203 |
3 |
Fleischauer, John William | 1921 | Lutheran | I51948 |
4 |
Gross, Mary Ann | 1891 | Lutheran | I115184 |
5 |
Miller, John Conrad | 1911 | Lutheran | I39631 |
6 |
Pommer, Gottlieb | 1871 | Lutheran | I108909 |
7 |
Schmitt, Valentine M. | 1911 | Lutheran | I124983 |
8 |
Wagner, Dorothea | 1891 | Lutheran | I378645 |
9 |
Weidenhammer, August | 1921 | Lutheran | I114589 |
10 |
Weser, William | 1871 | Lutheran | I132020 |