Tree: Generations
Latitude: 40.7833333, Longitude: -73.9666667
BirthMatches 1 to 10 of 10
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Kujanik, Amelia "Millie" | 10 Jun 1905 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I481485 |
2 |
Langdon, Elizabeth Astor | 1818 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I147311 |
3 |
Manghi, Corinne | 1923 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I203801 |
4 |
Meyer, August Artur | 5 Dec 1868 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I201712 |
5 |
Schechter, Samuel | Dec 1902 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I490050 |
6 |
Schechter, Sarah "Sadie" | 7 Oct 1895 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I490052 |
7 |
Uebele, Pauline Philipoena | 9 Sep 1866 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I190477 |
8 |
Wilks, Alice Eugenia | 1 Jan 1849 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I46946 |
9 |
Wilks, Matthew Astor | 3 Mar 1844 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I268337 |
10 |
Winheim, Emmelina | 20 May 1885 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I88138 |
DiedMatches 1 to 11 of 11
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
1 |
Barrett, John James | 19 Dec 1940 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I100441 |
2 |
Brown, Florence Henrietta | 17 Nov 1909 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I87138 |
3 |
Ernst, Addie Louisa | 28 Jun 1927 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I217888 |
4 |
Jaffray, Julia Kippen | 22 May 1941 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I62362 |
5 |
MacRae, Thomas Hamilton | 7 Feb 1932 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I67084 |
6 |
Meyer, Emil | 13 Jan 1907 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I194137 |
7 |
Oberlander, Rev. Fridolin Emile "Frederick | 5 Dec 1937 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I186714 |
8 |
Roat, Hannah | 11 Jul 1923 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I2181 |
9 |
Sault, William Ernest | 29 Nov 1941 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I102084 |
10 |
Schechter, Kalman | 3 Apr 1903 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I490062 |
11 |
Wilks, Matthew Astor | 9 Jul 1926 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I268337 |
OccupationMatches 1 to 4 of 4
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Occupation |
Person ID |
1 |
Barrett, John James | 1940 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I100441 |
2 |
Huber, Henrietta Innis "Innis" | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I18278 |
3 |
Roat, Hannah | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I2181 |
4 |
Sault, William Ernest | 1941 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I102084 |
ResidenceMatches 1 to 16 of 16
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Residence |
Person ID |
1 |
Barrett, James | 1896 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I124622 |
2 |
Boullee, Ethel G. | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I38264 |
3 |
Cavers, James B. | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I276215 |
4 |
Heilemann, Ursula A. | 1866 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I160498 |
5 |
Huber, Henrietta Innis "Innis" | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I18278 |
6 |
Hunter, George Edmund | 1897 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I216426 |
7 |
Lang, Magdalena "Lena" | 1892 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I138638 |
8 |
Lumsden, Thomas Harry | 1930 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I102931 |
9 |
McCauley, Martha Isabella "Mattie" | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I48727 |
10 |
McGuirk, Frank William | 1907 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I86291 |
11 |
Merner, Minerva Sophia | 1907 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I43903 |
12 |
Meyer, Emil | 1901 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I194137 |
13 |
Roat, Hannah | 1900 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I2181 |
14 |
Scheifele, Marilyn | | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I225659 |
15 |
Uebele, Johann Friedrich "Frederick" | 1866 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I160497 |
16 |
Wiegand, Otto Edward | 1917 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | I17181 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 11 of 11
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
1 |
Bier / Geiger | 8 May 1922 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F53206 |
2 |
Edgar / Clarke | 1939 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F57323 |
3 |
Lunenfeld / Schnee | 23 Jul 1904 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F300589 |
4 |
Meinhold / Voskamp | 26 May 1866 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F240932 |
5 |
Morton / Torrey | 1 Aug 1876 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F236326 |
6 |
Moyer / Moyer | 3 Jul 1918 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F10164 |
7 |
Nadler / Gassert | 25 Sep 1881 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F48358 |
8 |
Nadler / Zirwas | 15 Jan 1890 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F48359 |
9 |
Proctor / Castellano | 14 Jul 1910 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F299931 |
10 |
Schechter / Schnee | 25 Feb 1895 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F300591 |
11 |
Steuernagel / MacKenzie | 24 Oct 1904 | Manhattan, New York, New York, United States | F49536 |