Tree: Generations
Latitude: 45.3409131, Longitude: -80.0297839
BirthMatches 1 to 14 of 14
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Bowman, Kathyn Margaret | 1906 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I41220 |
2 |
Boyd, Rilla May | 12 Dec 1897 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I488437 |
3 |
Graff, Victor Joseph | 28 Jun 1919 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I299272 |
4 |
Guinn, Alice Abigail Jane | 5 Jun 1881 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I70499 |
5 |
Hayes, Private Royal | 3 Jul 1881 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I432673 |
6 |
Higgins, Stanley Gordon | 20 Nov 1907 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I181998 |
7 |
Laird, Haughton Clifford | 9 Mar 1910 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I203647 |
8 |
Lingner, Marie Ann "Mary" | 15 Sep 1880 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I55564 |
9 |
Lorenz, Charles Robert "Charlie" | 1888 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I165407 |
10 |
MacDonald, Jeanette | 1937 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I422787 |
11 |
McCurry, Henry J. | 14 Feb 1876 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I88293 |
12 |
Mills, Edward | 6 Jun 1885 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I123224 |
13 |
Ullman, Abner | CA 1863 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I476791 |
14 |
Ullman, Mary Athalia | 12 Oct 1879 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I421581 |
DiedMatches 1 to 23 of 23
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
1 |
Babcock, Agnes Amelia | 27 Nov 1893 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I411902 |
2 |
Bean, Abraham G. | 11 May 1919 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I15482 |
3 |
Beaven, Dr. John Reginald | 15 Sep 1950 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I166843 |
4 |
Black, Ivy Clara | Jul 1993 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I207546 |
5 |
Booth, Dr. Lynda Helen | 9 Jul 1987 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I420891 |
6 |
Boshart, Audrey Mary | 2 May 2012 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I186260 |
7 |
Brethauer, Martha | 31 Jul 1937 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I27126 |
8 |
Dahmer, Kenneth Clifford | 7 Nov 2004 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I136888 |
9 |
Douglas, John Addison | 26 Aug 1937 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I61939 |
10 |
Elliott, Maud Lily | 12 Oct 1946 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I89462 |
11 |
Heimpel, Brian | 2023 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I222788 |
12 |
Kalbfleisch, Sherry | 26 Jan 2009 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I162398 |
13 |
Kropf, Barbara Maria | 23 May 2000 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I186812 |
14 |
Kropf, Viola | 22 May 1987 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I297551 |
15 |
McCash, Robert John | 24 Aug 1962 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I415656 |
16 |
McCash, Robert John | 24 Aug 1962 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I246696 |
17 |
Sauder, Mary "Polly" | 3 Sep 1903 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I11091 |
18 |
Sauder, Minerva | 20 Mar 1947 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I11090 |
19 |
Spiesman, Harvey Eugene | 3 Jan 1910 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I8641 |
20 |
Struck, Edward Elander "Eddie" | 20 Mar 1929 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I158459 |
21 |
Webber, Mary Harriet | 24 Jan 1913 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I13142 |
22 |
Westine, John A. | 17 Jun 1960 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I379696 |
23 |
Ziegler, George Lichty | 29 May 1955 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I9490 |
OccupationMatches 1 to 6 of 6
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Occupation |
Person ID |
1 |
Biehn, Dr. Sidney Blanchard | 1906 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I15488 |
2 |
Bushour, Stephen | 1902 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I172448 |
3 |
Crandall, Clarence Roy | 1916 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I90877 |
4 |
Guenther, Rudolph Carl | 1884 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I43683 |
5 |
Guinn, Asaph Elias | 1881 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I60988 |
6 |
Mahn, Cora | 1916 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I39535 |
ResidenceMatches 1 to 7 of 7
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Residence |
Person ID |
1 |
Black, Ivy Clara | 1926 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I207546 |
2 |
Böer, Bertha "Bertie" | 1884 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I43684 |
3 |
Dunke, Cora Viola "Viola" | 1954 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I25888 |
4 |
Kropf, Viola | 1987 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I297551 |
5 |
McGruther, Albert | Bef 1920 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I196121 |
6 |
Sauder, Mabel | 1915 | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I11095 |
7 |
Wells, Mary Amelia | | Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario | I136586 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 2 of 2