Tree: Generations
Latitude: 42.5680269, Longitude: -81.6831203
BirthMatches 1 to 10 of 10
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Bean, Eusebius Payson Wallace | 27 Apr 1893 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I15461 |
2 |
Brodie, Duncan | 1885 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I432127 |
3 |
Shoemaker, Annie | 1876 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I126622 |
4 |
Umbach, Herbert Joseph | 7 May 1889 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I42309 |
5 |
Wismer, Abraham C. | 31 Aug 1883 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I23013 |
6 |
Wismer, Hannah | 15 Nov 1876 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I23916 |
7 |
Wismer, Mary | 9 Mar 1874 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I25363 |
8 |
Wismer, Matilda | 13 Apr 1870 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I23880 |
9 |
Wismer, Rebecca | 1878 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I25367 |
10 |
Woelfle, Irvin John | 21 Sep 1897 | Rodney, Elgin Co., Ontario | I70177 |
ResidenceMatches 1 to 2 of 2
MarriedMatches 1 to 2 of 2