Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA


Tree: Generations

Latitude: 42.4969444, Longitude: -82.8888889


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Becker, Ross Daniel Forman  23 Jan 1975St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I174091
2 Culliton, Florance Joseph "Joseph"  26 Sep 1966St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I174120
3 Gerth, Caroline Elizabeth  Oct 1976St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I176206
4 Harris, John  20 Mar 1953St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I157417
5 Hintz, Albert Adam  12 Sep 1964St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I29297
6 Meyer, Rita Marie  9 Nov 2007St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I321931
7 Meyers, Wilfred Joseph "Joseph"  18 Mar 1999St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I321930


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Geiger, Arthur  1958St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan, USA I25059