Tree: Generations
Latitude: 55.4333333, Longitude: -2.7833333
BirthMatches 1 to 19 of 19
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Aitken, Margaret | 7 Jan 1812 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I176153 |
2 |
Black, Agnes | 1776 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27919 |
3 |
Black, George | 1774 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27926 |
4 |
Black, George | 24 Aug 1816 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27925 |
5 |
Black, Helen | 1822 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27921 |
6 |
Black, James | 16 Apr 1781 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27915 |
7 |
Black, James | 1812 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27924 |
8 |
Black, John | 1820 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27917 |
9 |
Black, Mary | 1825 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27923 |
10 |
Black, Robert | CALC 30 Sep 1814 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27922 |
11 |
Dryden, Mary Ann | 12 Nov 1803 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I33213 |
12 |
Harris, John | 8 Apr 1860 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I145464 |
13 |
McCartney, Catherine | 3 Jul 1864 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I64888 |
14 |
McCartney, William Richardson | 28 Nov 1862 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I335593 |
15 |
Richardson, James | CALC 14 Apr 1840 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I289662 |
16 |
Spencer, Henry "Harry" | 26 May 1900 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I210211 |
17 |
Turnbull, James | 20 May 1825 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I63397 |
18 |
Waugh, Agnes Mcvicar | 31 Aug 1852 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27314 |
19 |
Wight, Jane | Mar 1842 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I74603 |
ChristenedMatches 1 to 13 of 13
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christened |
Person ID |
1 |
Black, Agnes | 4 Aug 1776 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27919 |
2 |
Black, George | 21 Jun 1774 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27926 |
3 |
Black, George | 21 Sep 1816 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27925 |
4 |
Black, Helen | 6 Oct 1822 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27921 |
5 |
Black, James | 15 Apr 1781 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27915 |
6 |
Black, James | 24 May 1812 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27924 |
7 |
Black, John | 22 Oct 1820 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27917 |
8 |
Black, Margaret | 1 Feb 1779 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27920 |
9 |
Black, Mary | 3 Jun 1825 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27923 |
10 |
Black, Robert | 29 Sep 1814 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27922 |
11 |
Dryden, Mary Ann | 28 Jan 1804 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I33213 |
12 |
Waugh, Agnes Mcvicar | 26 Oct 1851 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I27314 |
13 |
Wight, Jane | 31 May 1842 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I74603 |
ResidenceMatches 1 to 8 of 8
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Residence |
Person ID |
1 |
Anderson, William | 1844 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I33648 |
2 |
Cairns, Helen | 1860 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I145463 |
3 |
Cairns, Janet | 1803 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I68138 |
4 |
Dryden, Andrew | 1803 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I68139 |
5 |
Harris, Richard | 1860 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I145462 |
6 |
McCartney, Joseph | 1864 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I64886 |
7 |
Richardson, Catherine | 1864 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I389041 |
8 |
Scott, Ellen | 1844 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | I33649 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 6 of 6
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
1 |
Anderson / Scott | 6 Oct 1844 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | F8853 |
2 |
Black / Liddle | 31 Mar 1811 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | F7264 |
3 |
Dryden / Cairns | 21 Nov 1803 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | F17806 |
4 |
Gowanlock / Scott | 28 Feb 1847 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | F57857 |
5 |
Tennant / Pow | 9 May 1830 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | F19081 |
6 |
Turnbull / Murdoch | 10 Mar 1850 | Wilton, , Roxburgh, Scotland | F39114 |