Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

, Mecklenburg, Germany


Tree: Generations

Latitude: 53.8411000, Longitude: 11.4641997


Matches 1 to 100 of 277

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 ?  1832, Mecklenburg, Germany I265717
2 ?  1836, Mecklenburg, Germany I265713
3 Anna  1828, Mecklenburg, Germany I279160
4 Anna  1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I398163
5 Augusta  1825, Mecklenburg, Germany I397470
6 Caroline  1811, Mecklenburg, Germany I269787
7 Caroline  1832, Mecklenburg, Germany I258539
8 Caroline  CALC 25 Aug 1836, Mecklenburg, Germany I353315
9 Christina  Abt 1790, Mecklenburg, Germany I123128
10 Christine  1815, Mecklenburg, Germany I248787
11 Dorothe  1823, Mecklenburg, Germany I279230
12 Dorothea  1802, Mecklenburg, Germany I35189
13 Dorothea  1822, Mecklenburg, Germany I35412
14 Dorothea  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I35500
15 Dorothea  1832, Mecklenburg, Germany I153063
16 Dorothy  1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I258238
17 Elisibeth  1798, Mecklenburg, Germany I258576
18 Eliza  1797, Mecklenburg, Germany I35410
19 Elizabeth  1802, Mecklenburg, Germany I35537
20 Elizabeth  1813, Mecklenburg, Germany I397277
21 Elizabeth  1822, Mecklenburg, Germany I34941
22 Elizabeth  1827, Mecklenburg, Germany I394817
23 Frederica  1829, Mecklenburg, Germany I258277
24 Fredericka  1822, Mecklenburg, Germany I397230
25 Frederika  1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I35245
26 Louisa  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I35211
27 Louise  1860, Mecklenburg, Germany I324553
28 Maria  CALC Nov 1806, Mecklenburg, Germany I146245
29 Maria  1810, Mecklenburg, Germany I446218
30 Maria  1811, Mecklenburg, Germany I259741
31 Maria  1822, Mecklenburg, Germany I35242
32 Maria  1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I396370
33 Maria  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I397639
34 Maria  1832, Mecklenburg, Germany I397730
35 Mary  1788, Mecklenburg, Germany I258258
36 Mary  1795, Mecklenburg, Germany I258414
37 Mary  1816, Mecklenburg, Germany I397472
38 Mary  1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I35623
39 Mary  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I258419
40 Menna  1823, Mecklenburg, Germany I397463
41 Sophia  1806, Mecklenburg, Germany I397457
42 Sophia  1815, Mecklenburg, Germany I35543
43 Sophia  1820, Mecklenburg, Germany I258345
44 Sophia  1821, Mecklenburg, Germany I265234
45 Sophia  1827, Mecklenburg, Germany I258261
46 Sophia  1828, Mecklenburg, Germany I35408
47 Sophia  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I258352
48 Sophie  1789, Mecklenburg, Germany I351010
49 Sophie  1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I35423
50 Wilhelmina  1845, Mecklenburg, Germany I219888
51 Auer, Bernard  1817, Mecklenburg, Germany I35422
52 Auer, Henry  1846, Mecklenburg, Germany I35424
53 Bartels, Wilhelm "William"  24 Mar 1848, Mecklenburg, Germany I87872
54 Bassoire?, Henry  1813, Mecklenburg, Germany I35542
55 Bassoire?, Joachim  1846, Mecklenburg, Germany I35544
56 Bassoire?, Minna  1849, Mecklenburg, Germany I35545
57 Bauer, Johann "John"  CALC 25 Dec 1823, Mecklenburg, Germany I367584
58 Bear, Frederick  1849, Mecklenburg, Germany I35413
59 Becker, Maria Sophia Anna "Mary"  7 Sep 1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I18324
60 Beese, Charles  1812, Mecklenburg, Germany I35188
61 Beese, Hannah  1843, Mecklenburg, Germany I35191
62 Beese, Mary  1847, Mecklenburg, Germany I35192
63 Beese, Sophia  1839, Mecklenburg, Germany I35193
64 Beese, William  6 Feb 1842, Mecklenburg, Germany I178389
65 Begerow, Christina  1834, Mecklenburg, Germany I91048
66 Beiman, Louisa  1824, Mecklenburg, Germany I396050
67 Beitel, Marie  1829, Mecklenburg, Germany I397459
68 Biemer, Anna  1849, Mecklenburg, Germany I35785
69 Block, Carolina "Lena"  7 Mar 1864, Mecklenburg, Germany I92785
70 Block, Louise  1871, Mecklenburg, Germany I459097
71 Boc, Charles  1809, Mecklenburg, Germany I397456
72 Boc, Ernest  1833, Mecklenburg, Germany I397729
73 Boeckmann, Sophia  10 Nov 1821, Mecklenburg, Germany I11464
74 Boettger, Charles  22 Jan 1850, Mecklenburg, Germany I1938
75 Bohl, Frederick  1813, Mecklenburg, Germany I248784
76 Bohnesack, Caroline  1840, Mecklenburg, Germany I278946
77 Borch, Henry  1870, Mecklenburg, Germany I309237
78 Bormann, Elisabeth Johanna Sophia Dorothea  2 Dec 1829, Mecklenburg, Germany I489524
79 Bornhold, Heinrich "Henry"  27 Jul 1828, Mecklenburg, Germany I36604
80 Bossmaster, John  1831, Mecklenburg, Germany I258276
81 Bott, Heinrich  1810, Mecklenburg, Germany I35409
82 Bucholtz, Henry  CALC 21 Dec 1810, Mecklenburg, Germany I35546
83 Busmaetes (?), Augusta  1845, Mecklenburg, Germany I258346
84 Busmaetes (?), Charles  1813, Mecklenburg, Germany I258344
85 Busmaetes (?), Clark  1843, Mecklenburg, Germany I258347
86 Busmaetes (?), Luisa  1851, Mecklenburg, Germany I258348
87 Cobo, Carl "Charles"  CALC 28 Nov 1816, Mecklenburg, Germany I259227
88 Conkel, John  1818, Mecklenburg, Germany I269786
89 Cron, Henry  1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I279229
90 Dahnke, Alvina  1 May 1883, Mecklenburg, Germany I50994
91 Detman, Mina  1839, Mecklenburg, Germany I35624
92 Detman, William  1822, Mecklenburg, Germany I35622
93 Draeger, Ernestine  23 Sep 1869, Mecklenburg, Germany I28800
94 Dunher, Frederich  1819, Mecklenburg, Germany I265233
95 Dunker, Clark  1840, Mecklenburg, Germany I258416
96 Dunker, Elisibeth  1845, Mecklenburg, Germany I258415
97 Dunker, Frederick  8 Sep 1819, Mecklenburg, Germany I11004
98 Dunker, Henry  1799, Mecklenburg, Germany I258413
99 Egerdie, John Theodore  28 Jul 1856, Mecklenburg, Germany I52040
100 Eichholz, Dorothea E. M.  1841, Mecklenburg, Germany I135239

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Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Martins, Caroline M.  1835, Mecklenburg, Germany I144266
2 Miller, Henry Jacob  23 Aug 1830, Mecklenburg, Germany I144074
3 Stark, Karl W. "Charles"  CALC 26 Dec 1826, Mecklenburg, Germany I119013