1849 - Yes, date unknown
Generation: 1
1. | William Stösser was born 29 Apr 1849, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada; died Yes, date unknown. Other Events:
- Eby ID Number: Waterloo-50930
The Revenue Officers Attacked By A Gang of "Molly Maguires"
On Tuesday afternoon, the 16th instant on information being received, Acting Collector McLean and Officer Nichols, of Guelph, proceeded to Berlin; thence accompanied by Officer Bruce, of Waterloo, Officer Adams, and High Constable Klippert, of Berlin they drove to Lot No. 2, 1st Concession Block b., Township of Wilmot, about eleven miles from Berlin, and seized an illicit distillery, on the premises of William Stosser, a farmer residing on that lot. There were found a rather small sized boiler, still, tin worm, several tubs used for mash tubs and fermenting tubs, about 200 gallons of wort, a small quantity spirits, and a rather valuable kit of cooper's tools. There were two mashes in process of fermentation. From appearance it was evident steam was being got up for distilling. It being after dark when the officers had completed their search, and it being found impossible to remove the articles that night, Officer Adams and Bruce were left in charge, and Messrs McLean, Nichols and Klippert returned to Berlin reaching there about nine o'clock. The night was exceedingly dark, and consequently these officers had to proceed with extreme care and caution, as a single step to the right or left in many places might cause their carriage to be precipitated down an embankment ten or twenty feet.
Officers Bruce and Adams left in charge were unmolested until about half past twelve in the morning, when, without any previous warning, the door was burst open, twelve or thirteen men, with blackened faces and otherwise disguised, rushed in with a tremendous yell, assaulted the officers, knocked them down, deprived them of their revolvers, and held them to the floor until their confederates had removed the still, boiler, worm and cooper's tools, when they were allowed to rise. A guard of six men remained to watch the officers for about half an hour lest they should follow the thieves. After that time the rascals fired off the revolvers, handed them back to the officers, and decamped. We understand that Officer Bruce was roughly handled, and sustained serious injuries by the boiler partly falling on one leg. Strenuous exertions should be made to find the guilty parties in this outrage and have them punished. Such lawless acts should not be allowed to be perpetrated with impunity in Canada, or, we will have a state of affairs similar to what existed in Ireland 50 years ago.
The Dumfries Reformer 22 Nov 1876
This matter was fully heard before the magistrates, I.D. Bowman, Esq., J.P.., and A.J. Peterson, Esq., J.P., at Berlin, on Monday last, 18th inst. The taking of the evidence occupied the whole of the time until a late hour at night, and this was the third sitting of the magistrates taking depositions of witnesses on the different charges against the several parties arrested.
Mr. Bowlby, the County Attorney, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. C.A. Durand, with Mr. A. Millar, appeared for the prisoners. The facts of this case are familiar to our readers. The result of the examinations and trails before the magistrates was as follows:-- Louis Stoesor and Gilbert Pringle were committed for trial on two criminal charges, one for a felonious assault upon the Revenue Officers while in the discharge of their duties on the 16th of Nov. last, and the other charge for stealing the plant of an illicit distillery while it was under seizure. Then William Stoeser and John Stoeser were also committed for trial on two criminal charges as having been accessories before the fact to both the above felonies committed by Louis Stoeser and Pringle, and John Stoeser was committed to trial on the criminal charge of being an accessory after the fact, to the larceny of the illicit distillery plant. The prisoners above named will all be tried on the above charges at the next Assizes, or by the County Judge. It was reported in Berlin that they intended to apply to be admitted to bail, and stand their trial at the Spring Assizes.
In addition to being committed for trial on the above criminal charges, Wm. Stoeser was fined $100 and costs for having the distillery plant in his possession; John Stoeser was fined $100 and costs for the same offence; and Louis Stoeser was likewise fined $100 and costs for the same offence; and they were ordered to be imprisoned until these three fines with costs are paid. A further fine of $700 and costs was imposed upon Louis Stoeser for distilling and rectifying spirits with out license, and this later fine with costs was ordered to be levied on his goods and chattels, but as he has not goods and chattels, the larger fine of $700 will never be collected.
The Galt Reporter Dec 22 1876