Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.

Dr. Franz M. "Francis" Heil

Male 1814 - Yes, date unknown

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  • Name Franz M. "Francis" Heil 
    Prefix Dr. 
    Born 1814  , Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Gender Male 
    Occupation 1857  Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Occupation 1861  Wellesley Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Doctor Medical 
    Residence 1861  Wellesley Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Scandal 1865 
    wife stole his money as left with Rev. John Willmeier 
    Name Francis Heil 
    Occupation 1865  Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Occupation 1870  Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • Living as doctor by himself.
    Occupation 1880  Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Eby ID Number Waterloo-279593 
    Died Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I279593  Generations
    Last Modified 19 Dec 2024 

    Family Anne Margarethe "Margaretha",   b. 1837, , Bavaria, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Yes, date unknown 
    Married 1855  [1
    Last Modified 19 Dec 2024 
    Family ID F234272  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • HEIL, FRANZ first appeared on the scene with a card in Der Deutsche Canadier of October 18, 1855.

      Dr. Fr. Heil, Physician, etc., Bridgeport.

      One year later he had moved to Waterloo, and a year after that, to Elmira, where his card in the Berlin Chronicle on October 14, 1857 read:

      Dr. Heil. German Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Elmira, West Woolwich. Dr. H. treats his patients according to the German School.

      The 1861 census listed in Wellesley township, district 11, Francis Heil born in Hesse Darmstadt, 46 years of age, wife Margaretha, 23 years, born in Bavaria.

      An account appeared in the Berliner Journal from the New Yorker Stadt Zeitung of May 4, 1865. Dr. Franz Heil, a German Doctor living in Detroit, was searching in New York for his wife Anna Margarethe who had gone missing with John Willmeyer, alias Winter, along with $300.00 of the Doctor's money. They were found and returned to Detroit for trial.

      He was blacklisted by the Journal over $l.50 in August. So it is possible he got back at least his money.

      Dr. Alexander D. Campbell, Doctors in Waterloo County 1852-1925


      In the Police Court on Saturday Justice Miner released Gustave Hahn and Anthony Ascher, charged with maliciously breaking a pane of glass in Dr. Francis Heil's house, under suspended sentence.

      Detroit Free Press Sun, Oct 03, 1880 Page 1


      On the 12st inst., a medical book valued at $15 was stolen from Dr. Francis Heil, who lives on Hastings street, and yesterday officer H. D. Allen recovered the book at a second hand store.

      Detroit Free Press Tue, Dec 31, 1878 Page 1


      . - A Priest named Mitmaier, who at one time officiated in St. Joseph's church, in this city, was arraigned before the police justice, Saturday, on a charge of adultrey with the wife of one Dr. Heil of Detroit, and also as an accomplice with the same, in a robbery of some $300, from the aforesaid physician. In the complaint, it was alleged that about the 10th of March last, the trunk of the complainant was broken open, and the money stolen. About this time the parties criminated left the city, and a warrant was issued for their apprehension. Armed with the process, Dr. Heil followed them to New York, where, with the assistance of the police, they were finally discovered at a boarding house on Hudson street, where it is alleged they passed as man and wife, under the assumed name of Winter. They were at once arrested and brought back to Detroit, where they arrived Saturday morning and were committed to jail. The evidence of the New York policeman was taken down in writing, to allow him to return, after which the examination was adjourned until Saturday next. Efforts are being made to have the parties liberated on bail.

      Detroit Free Press Mon, May 01, 1865 Page 1



      A Strange Fall-From the Pulpit to the Jail-A Priest in Limbo-First Act in the Drama

      From the Detroit Tribune.

      The first act in a drama of scandal was on Saturday performed at the Police Court in this city, in which the Rev. Joseph Wittemier, formerly of St. Joseph's (Catholic) Church, figured as the leading character - doubtless, his first appearance before an audience not of his own choosing. Be that as it may, in stage parlance, he drew a full house, yet we cannot say that his debut created much enthusiasm. He made a very short speech, similar to those made by all others who have previously occupied the prisoners' box. As we said in the outset, the first part of the play only was enacted, therefore we cannot at present state what the denouncement will be. The particulars of the case, so far as we can learn, are substantially as follows:

      About the first of March last the reverend gentlemen above named eloped from this city with one Ann Margaret Hiel, wife of Dr. Franz Heil, taking with him, it is alleged, $300 in money belonging to the latter. A week or so later the doctor advertised the runaways in one of the German papers of this city, which was translated and published on the 20th ult.,offering $50 reward for the apprehension of Wittemier. He evidently considered that his wife was worse than useless, therefore he offered no reward for her. In this particular he probably acted wisely.

      The injured husband, not content with taking the above step, started to ferret out the parties himself, and a day or two since succeeded in tracing them to No. 40 City Hall Place, where he found them occupying the same apartments, and to all appearances living as man and wife. With the assistance of a policeman he soon caged the birds; and the latter arrived in this city with his prisoners on Saturday morning, In the afternoon they were arraigned on a charge of adultery and larceny, to which, through their counsel, they plead "not guilty."

      The counsel for the accused asked for an adjournment, but as a matter of accommodation, and by common consent, the New York officer was placed on the stand, in order that he might give his evidence and go home. He testified that he arrested the parties and found them living to all appearances as man and wife, under the name of Mr. and Mrs. Winters. Their furniture consisted principally of one bed, two trunks, and one or two boxes, which would naturally lead to the conclusion that the inferences drawn by the policeman were correct. So far as we can learn, no acts of criminality can be proven against the accused; yet the woman, since her incarceration, has admitted, we are informed, that this is a fact. This case was adjourned, for a further hearing until Saturday next.

      Gentlemen in this city who know Witmer, inform us that he was consecrated a Priest about a year ago by the Bishop, and assigned to St. Joseph's Church. While preaching to the congregation of the latter place, Dr. Heil invited him to visit his house, and he accepted the invitation, making himself, of course, perfectly at home.

      The Doctor is himself nearly sixty years of age, and his wife only twenty- four. Wittemier and the latter became very intimate, more so, apparently, than the laws of the church allow, and subsequently eloped. leaving a bewildered congregation, and an indignant husband, all amazed at his disappearance.

      Wittemier is a young man not more than thirty years of age, about five feet in height, and has a rather roguish appearance generally. If all the stories told of him are true, he is a rascal beyond redemption, and the sooner he is furnished with apartments in the State Prison the better. Among other things he is accused of revealing secrets confided to him by young ladies at confession, and making light of them. We give these statements just as we receive them, and for what they are worth. He has many friends in the city, all of whom, while expressing themselves indignant at his conduct in this case, desired to become security for his appearance at the formal examination. His bail was fixed at $1,000, with two sureties, and that of Mrs. Heil at the same.

      The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sunday May 7, 1865

  • Sources 
    1. [S855] Census - ON, Waterloo, Wellesley Twp. - 1861, Div. 11 Page 64.

    2. [S2374] Census - U.S. Census Population Schedule, 1870 9th Census, Michigan, Detroit, Lind 12, Page 146.
      Franz Heil, 55, Occ: physician b. Prussia

    3. [S1639] Census - U.S. Census Population Schedule, 1880 10th Census, Michgan, Detroit, T9, Vol 1 Sheet D.
      Francis M. Heil 63, b. Prussia Occ: Physician

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - doctor - 1857 - Elmira, Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Doctor Medical - 1861 - Wellesley Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Catholic - 1861 - Wellesley Twp., Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Doctor - 1865 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Doctor - 1870 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - Doctor - 1880 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth