Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.


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The picture of James' children was taken at Preston, Ont., 1882

Standing, left to right: Alice Elvira, Margaret Angeline, Elizabeth Jane, Cordelia Diana, Melinda Caroline
Middle Row: Jacob Cook
Seated, left to right: Ellen Roselia, Hannah Maria, Mary Jemima, Anna Christina, Henrietta Josephine

Owner/SourceWalter Hartung
File nameCook,Jacob-withsisters.jpg
File Size25.9k
Dimensions700 x 519
CaptionThe picture of James' children was taken at Preston, Ont., 1882 Standing, left to right: Alice Elvira, Margaret Angeline, Elizabeth Jane, Cordelia Diana, Melinda Caroline Middle Row: Jacob Cook Seated, left to right: Ellen Roselia, Hannah Maria, Mary Jemima, Anna Christina, Henrietta Josephine from Walter Hartung 2011

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