Waterloo Region Generations
A record of the people of Waterloo Region, Ontario.
Albert Clarke Quickfall

Albert Clarke Quickfall

Male 1878 - 1928  (50 years)




boathouse & Quickfall operation showing the ice harvesting business - which only operated in the very early days of Victoria park.

Photo courtesy of Fred Dahms's mother Eileen Quickfall Dahms, a daughter of the family.

File nameKitchener-VictoriaPark-009-QuickFall-IceHarvesting-EileenDahmsQuickfall.jpg
File Size230.88k
Dimensions2048 x 1568
Captionboathouse & Quickfall operation showing the ice harvesting business - which only operated in the very early days of Victoria park. Photo courtesy of Fred Dahms's mother Eileen Quickfall Dahms, a daughter of the family.
Special InstructionsFBMD01000a930d00002d8c00001c6c01003e6c01008d6c0100d5f20100e0090400c42e0400e62e04001a2f040055ce0700
Linked toAlbert Clarke Quickfall (112945498); Albert Clarke Quickfall (115596060); Albert Clarke Quickfall (118915635); Albert Clarke Quickfall (133916991); Albert Clarke Quickfall (138637776); Albert Clarke Quickfall (154270751); Albert Clarke Quickfall (158505746); Albert Clarke Quickfall (166009028); Albert Clarke Quickfall (166017998); Albert Clarke Quickfall (168703852); Albert Clarke Quickfall (187371942); Albert Clarke Quickfall (208848752); Albert Clarke Quickfall (253802803); Albert Clarke Quickfall (260410209); Albert Clarke Quickfall (261429211); Albert Clarke Quickfall (287200700); Albert Clarke Quickfall (313223917); Albert Clarke Quickfall (283379953); Albert Clarke Quickfall (286371452); Albert Clarke Quickfall (Occupation)